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Dec 2, 2004
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What's with this neo-homo fad going around HL2.net

I was in a CSS server with nightshad a day ago or so, and we just kept going on and on about buttsecks with Ikerous and how slutty munro was, and other people on the CSS server were all like "why you put dis guys nuts in ur mout" and I was like "testicles" and then everybody else was being all gay and...

Yeah, I notice it in online convos too. I mean, today was the first time ever that I was disgusted at the neo-homo dialogue I put between another HL2.net member (told AiM to cum on my back :O).

*schechs up Sinkoman*
Because you like it, bitch
Llama said:
*schechs up Sinkoman*
Because you like it, bitch

I do :o

SEE! What the F.UCK is with HL2.net and buttsekcs?

Ikerous, look what happens when you try to spread you sexuality to others.
Are you not confident about you're sexuality SinkoMAN? Hmm!?
*seckses you up*
Ren.182 said:
Are you not confident about you're sexuality SinkoMAN? Hmm!?
*seckses you up*

Quite the opposite really.

If I weren't secure in my sexuality, I wouldn't be able to say "Ooh, ren, I want you to drop your testicles in my mouth before we buttsecks" without going "ew thats a fag comment D:".

RakuraiPenisSucker said:
Because you touch yourself at night.

'Tis true D:

*washes hands*
sinkoman said:
Quite the opposite really.

If I weren't secure in my sexuality, I wouldn't be able to say "Ooh, ren, I want you to drop your testicles in my mouth before we buttsecks" without going "ew thats a fag comment D:".

Can you put that grass skirt on? Turns me on ;)
I have ENOUGH arousal issues at the moment, to have to listen to THAT crap. lol
Through the phantasmogorial and pharmaceutical philosophical phagocytosis and my phantom, phalangeal phalloplasties on the phaethonic, pharaonic phallicies of those phlegmy pharisee philosophers - philandering philistines - I have phounded a phirm of pharily philhellenic, pharmacology, philanthropic and pharmadeutical in its phenomenally philharmonic and phlegmatic phases of physiological phorces: phrenology, phytotherapy, phlogiston baths - the phinal ingredients of my philosophy of phallic pharmacism. It is really very simple. In an effort to understake this self-reoccurring phenomenomenomenomenomenomenomenomenomenome I have undertaken a sirvey of over 80,000 students of the Way of The Pipe or rather the arrangements of words and abstract concepts that we like to call the Interformaton Superweb. I have deducted the following deducements and theorised the following hypotheries in my asexual apothecary:

1. "I love you."

Many men love each other. This is a proven FACT which can be found by detracting the number of living men who are married from the number of living men who are single. The number remaining must be fed through my patented Math-O-Complicat-O-Molator Engine, an ingenious device powered by twin Superiorty Drives, in order to derive a mathematical constant that will represent the average length in inches that every man's penis increases length when confronted with arousing imagery involving bare-chested, hunky, beautiful, chiselled men, with physiques like greek gods, their hard, firm abs oiled and their shoulders carved from clearest, most elemental marble. It is quite understandable that such images should result in arousal on the part of every God-fearing man, and so it is not inconceivable that the aforementiond phenomenonmeonomenomenomenomenomnomnomnomnmmmmm (henceforth referred to as APS or Acute Phallic Cyndrome) constitutes a general release of undesirable principles that have been too long shackled beneath society's iron pants.

2. "The love that dare not speak its name."

APS may be a mechanism by which suppressed love - not necessarily sexual love - is expressed in a non-conventional way according to the norms of society. Modern western social structures afford little scope for the expression of affection between males and males, and so such feelings must take the form of ironic or self-depreciation 'gay' humour. For example:

Man: I love you.
Man2: You're just saying that to get me into bed.
Man: You know it.
Girl: Get a room!
Man: There's space for you as well in this arrangement!

Another purpose of APS is to re-assure the male in his own sexuality. It is oft claimed that men who are able to express such sentiments in an ironic or joking way are self-evidently not worried about being percieved as 'gay' which in turn suggests that they are comfortable enough in their sexuality to not care what people think about it. However, the person in question may in fact be conscious of this - thus it may be a ruse to re-enforce him or her self.

3. "Sexual healing, baybee."

In other news, it has been scientifically proven (BY SCIENCE) that sexual imagery, inyooendo, puns and so forth have a tangible and beneficial effect on health. It has been proven that admiring breasts for ten minutes a day will significantly reduce the risk of heart disease in later life for any heterosexual male (the same is likely true of gay men and the aforementioned hurculean wonderfuls). Pondering sex and sexuality promotes positive growth of both body and mind (not to mention penis). This is why the victorians were always so dour - because the person who can find arousal in absolutely everything has big things in front of them, and is headed for pleasurable positions in later life, provided they adopt certian methods of protection.

It could be that gay men everywhere are realising this subconsciously.

4. "That boy needs therapy."

They're crazy in the coconut!!1

5. "Human kind is a virus...and we are the cure."

Increasing occurence of APS may be due to increasing occurence of Homosexuality. Homosexuality is a communicable disease. This is FACT. Where is the evidence, you ask? Well, frankly, if you need evidence for such a thing then you are clearly part of the Gay Agenda Youth organisation, with your own (gay) agenda, which your probably filched an Alcaholics Anonymous meeting and back-engineered (because as we all know, all homosexual men are agendrous in nature, criminals and/or stealers, alcoholics, anonymous and back engineers). However, to sate those with such an agenda I will tell you: the number of reported homosexuals has risen ove 50% in the last three years, and is still rising; furthermore, we have recently (since the 1980s) seen a huge upsurge in gay 'civil rights' - an oxymoron - and 'gay pride' - also a moron. The increase in such questionable activities can clearly only have one cause besides that of 'total equality' - an 'increase' in the 'number' those Agenda Youth people who used to tell me everything was okay, and that there was nothing wrong with me, that they were all there for me, that there was nothing to be ashamed of - lies and slander, clearly the ravings of a deranged mind. AS WE CAN SEE ahem harrumph egad etc the so-called Gay Agenda is clearly an enemy of all good people everywhere. It has even been posited by the Ugandan Institution for Kicking that the increase in APS is actually a deliberate initiative by Gay Agenda homogenetiscists to create a new strain of the homosexuality virus - one that operates in stages. They have already observed multi-stage life cycles in controlled conditions. The first stage selectively targets young men and fills their heads with sexual thoughts through osmosis; subconsciously they are unwilling to admit they are becoming gay and so they make jokes about it, putting things such as 'penis penis penis penis' in their signitures in online forums and suchlike. Such behaviour solves the purpose of conditioning the individual to accept homosexuality, and spreading the notion that homosexuality is something to joke about. It is not a joke. Homosexuality is NOT FUNNY. It is DEADLY SERIOUS. The second stage begins turning the person actually gay, after they have propagated the notion that such a condition is acceptable.

I hope this has been a pleasant and not-in-any-way-arounsing-oh-no-put-signiture-back-in-pants experience and I hope that we have learned a lot. Tune in next week when I, Doctor Cure-It, will cure abortion. Now that's something you don't want to miss.
sinkoman said:
What's with this neo-homo fad going around HL2.net

I was in a CSS server with nightshad a day ago or so, and we just kept going on and on about buttsecks with Ikerous and how slutty munro was, and other people on the CSS server were all like "why you put dis guys nuts in ur mout" and I was like "testicles" and then everybody else was being all gay and...

Yeah, I notice it in online convos too. I mean, today was the first time ever that I was disgusted at the neo-homo dialogue I put between another HL2.net member (told AiM to cum on my back :O).


I haven't really noticed it, maybe it's just you.
You know, some people find the term "homo" offensive.
Steve said:
You know, some people find the term "homo" offensive.

Yeah, at work Homogenized Milk rings up as Homo Milk on the screen.

Heh, homo milk.

From the makers of Gay Fuel.


Start your day off right. Start your day off gay!
Sulkdodds said:
Through the phantasmogorial and pharmaceutical philosophical phagocytosis and my phantom, phalangeal phalloplasties on the phaethonic, pharaonic phallicies of those phlegmy pharisee philosophers - philandering philistines - I have phounded a phirm of pharily philhellenic, pharmacology, philanthropic and pharmadeutical in its phenomenally philharmonic and phlegmatic phases of physiological phorces: phrenology, phytotherapy, phlogiston baths - the phinal ingredients of my philosophy of phallic pharmacism. It is really very simple. In an effort to understake this self-reoccurring phenomenomenomenomenomenomenomenomenomenome I have undertaken a sirvey of over 80,000 students of the Way of The Pipe or rather the arrangements of words and abstract concepts that we like to call the Interformaton Superweb. I have deducted the following deducements and theorised the following hypotheries in my asexual apothecary:
the alliteration police are coming after you. HIDE.
I say "I love you" to everyone, it's my way of saying "omg, that was hilarious, I love you" even in RL me and my friends say it, no problem with a couple o men, some lubricant, maybe a dirty movie.
Umm...I say "You feel me?" as slang for "Do you understand what I'm saying?"
Thunderclap said:
Umm...I say "You feel me?" as slang for "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

I say "fu k me" as slang for "ram it up my ass big boy."
I don't care if your gay. If you act all girlish(and ur a guy) then I might not hang out with you because I don't really like seeing a guy act all girlish. Thats bout it.

I might make fun of stuff like that but I make fun of everything. Jews, Chrisitans, Mexicans, Caucasions, Blacks, My family, Myself, You, Your Dog, Gays, etc... anyone. Now if I made fun of straight people but not gay people that would be discrimination against gay people and I don't like discriminating. Everyone gets treated equal in my book.
Acting a tad gay isn't discrimination if that's what you're getting at
Dalamari said:
Acting a tad gay isn't discrimination if that's what you're getting at

Yeah, it isn't "haha, Dalamari stick it in me! Haha, that's what a f.ucking queer would say".

It's more "Ooh, Dalamari, I want you to shove that tomato as far up my asshole as possible"

Then Dal goes "O RLY?"

And I go "Ya RLY"
God damnt, it's hard to be Neo-Homo when you're listening "A Day in the Life".

I swear to god, that song is such a mood shifter. It's a beautiful song, everything is so perfectly placed, and the voices are just so soothing.

See, it's derailing my unrailed to begin with thread!
