"Hool10" interview a success/beta rumor.


Jun 20, 2004
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I decided to go forth anyways and send an e-mail to the awesome Mike Booth. Well he actually responded back with not many answers but more questions and hype in the next few months! No, Cathy is not my name neither. My mom for some reason used her name as the e-mail and the family just uses the same e-mail. I would also like to thank Valve/Mike Booth for taking the time and doing this short interview.

Mike B: Hi Cathy,
Tell Squerl and Frogopus it never hurts to ask. ;)
Answers below:
Michael Booth
Hool10: Squerl and Frogopus at the left4dead411 site don't want an interview because they think that Turtle Rock Studios will not answer to the following questions in an interview:

In Left 4 Dead with total body awareness, can you shoot yourself in the foot?

How close are you working with Microsoft in delivering DLC with the XBOX 360 version?
I'm assuming by "DLC" you mean 'downloadable content" for the 360 version of Left 4 Dead. We're still working out the specifics of that.

Could you tell us what the other two levels are or describe them as well as the progress?
All four of the campaigns are playable at this point. We're working on all of the finishing touches at this point ? lots of art content, effects, and so on. We want you to feel like you are in a horror movie while playing Left 4 Dead.

What are some gameplay features are you planning to add in the future and what has been removed?
We have a long list of things to add in the future. The survival horror genre is an incredibly rich source of interesting gameplay.

As for what has been removed ? on the whole not much. We continually playtest the game are refine what works and what doesn't, and things that aren't working out get redesigned and possibly removed. One example is the Boomer ? he no longer deals damage when he explodes. Instead, he splatters everyone nearby with vomit (attracting the horde) and causes them to stumble back for a few seconds. This solves a troublesome friendly-fire problem when playing with new players while still retaining the chaos and danger of the Boomer.

Are we having new media such as tutorial videos in the near future?
There will be new media in the coming months, yes.

What type of improvements to the graphics engine have been made since the Orange Box?
We'll have more information about this in the coming months. Let's just say now that we're part of Valve, lots of cool things are happening.
What are some achievement's we can expect from Left 4 Dead?
Achievements that emphasize teamwork, for sure.
What are the challenges in having split screen on the XBOX 360 version and have you decided on how you will handle it?
We're still evaluating that. It's a pretty huge challenge.
Will the XBOX 360 version come out at the same time as the PC version?
That is the current plan.

How are the Infected side progressing and what are the challenges in making the Infected side?
We're putting a lot of thought into the Infected side right now.

If you are interested in having an interview, please respond back. I thank you for your time reading this and keep up the great work on Left 4 Dead! -hool10
I think we just had an interview. Thanks for everyone's support at Left4Dead411!

As for the rumor, one of the members fired off an e-mail to Mike B and this is what followed:
Hi Daniel,

That's a likely possibility. Time will tell.

Michael Booth

Read it on L4D411. Not really anything new, but it's something so yay.

I wish the boomer still blew up. I wanted to jump off building onto people D:
"Hool10: Squerl and Frogopus at the left4dead411 site don't want an interview because they think that Turtle Rock Studios will not answer to the following questions in an interview:"

I find that completely inappropriate and unnecessary.
did a retarded monkey put this thread together?

why are you quoting yourself rather than Booth's answers?

also without the contents of the mail, what the hell are we suppsoed to use the last part for...durh...will I'm glad that "whatever" is a likely possibility.
"Hool10: Squerl and Frogopus at the left4dead411 site don't want an interview because they think that Turtle Rock Studios will not answer to the following questions in an interview:"

I find that completely inappropriate and unnecessary.

As do I, shows nothing more than how immature he is always acting.
This is stupid.

1. What the hell is the title? ""Hool10" interview a success/beta rumor." -- a beta? Isn't that what you use with programs? I've never heard of a interview as a "beta" (Even then, I don't understand the "success" part either)

2. Why the hell are you quoting yourself? Usually quotes are for what other people have said, not you.

The title and the way you structured your post annoyed me so much, I didn't carry on reading.

Edit: Wow, I just realised that you meant Left 4 Dead beta.

This just proves how the way this thread was created caused a hell of alot of confusion for me.

You suck.
Poorly composed interview but it's information that I didn't know about, especially about the Boomer.