Hope yet for a new Sam & Max game


Sep 27, 2003
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According to Eurogamer, Steve Purcell, the creator of the Sam and Max comic books & characters, has regained the rights to the characters over LucasArts. He's currently working for film animation studio giant Pixar and when asked if would like to get back into game development he stated...

Steve Purcell said:
Would I get back into games? Sure. The [Sam & Max] license is back in my hands now so we'll see what happens in the near future.

This means Sam & Max could be coming back to video games :E.

It could also mean a slim possibility of Pixar making a movie based on Sam & Max, since he works in the story department at Pixar. But i seriously doubt that is going to happen anytime soon. Still, i can dream.


Gamasutra Interview

A movie would be effing awesome.

If they make a game it better not be 3D, that would kill it for me.
They are not making a movie, he just works for them.
Adrien C said:
They are not making a movie, he just works for them.

I am just saying a movie would be nice.
This be awesomest news in verily longest times.
A movie would be such a good idea actually. The cuteness of the characters would appeal to kids, and the coolness of the jokes would appeal to older people, how could it not do well??
This is old news from just about every adventure gaming site last week, but still very good news.

I am SURE that Sam & Max will return to our computer screens soon. :)

Now Ron Gilbert just has to get the rights to Monkey Island and all will be right with the world (well, the adventure gaming world at least).
I've never played the origonal :O

I'm... presuming... it was good? :D
Suicide42 said:
I've never played the origonal :O

I'm... presuming... it was good? :D
Am. Ay. Zing.
I think it might've been the first PC game I played the whole way through...
Sam and Max! Sam and Max! Sam and Max! Even though I only ever played a demo!
Don't you get my goddamn hopes up. Otherwise I'll have to kill if I get let down again...:flame:
Man, I've been waiting for a new Sam & Max for a long time. Like chu said, "if they make a game it better not be 3D, that would kill it for me." It'd be great if they designed the sequel to work like the first, still a 2D adventure/puzzle game but with really nice 2D sprites and/or smoothly-animated Worms-like graphics. Maybe even a Paper Mario 2 type setting, with 3D backdrops and 2D characters. Ah well, whatever Purcell does with the next one, we're bound to be impressed. Here's hoping they stick to the roots.

Ah but it can always be 3d and click & point style. It'd be kinda hard to do but still. Heck i'd settle for something like Grim Fandango anyway. Or even like Farhenheit