Hoping the rest of my comp still works


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
So, I was using the 5 volt line on my PC (taken from a molex) to power a PS2 controller, and just as I got the thing working, the positive line slipped, hit the grounded case (uh oh), and my PC shut down as a gigantic spark shot out the back of it (spark was from the contact point between the 5 volt and ground btw).

I'm assuming that my PSU is dead, but i'm wondering, is there any chance that anything else is dead on my PC?

I've been needing a new PSU for ages now, so that shouldn't be too much trouble, but if nothing else works, then I might just have to give up on this rig (no monays to buy multiple parts).


(btw, on a laptop atm)

You did ask for thoughts, and that is the first that popped into my head.
If I've understood you correctly, this happened
Providing the wire didn't touch any components I see no reason why they wouldn't work. Depending upon how well your PSU is surge protected it may have survived as well although I wouldn't count on it.
To be on the safe side couldn't you borrow a friends PSU and see if the computer still works?
Your MB along with every components, do have some sort of stand-offs that protect them from outside sparks, statics; between them and the case.
(Not though you should try this) If (For instance) you touch the case with live-wire; electric will not be transmitted to the contents of the case, only case will become live.
My 2 cents guess is that; your PSU short itself out, and unless PSU killed other stuff along the way, you're fine.

Get another PSU and see if you can boot system with it.

Good Luck.