Hoplites Update



Hoplites is a mod set in ancient Greece with the rivaling nations being the Spartans, Persians, and Athenians. They have released a nice looking skinned model of the falcata. In addition, they have finished their Title song as well as another song that will be featured in the game.[br]</br>Download the mp3 files by clicking here for Hoplites Theme song or here for March of the Hoplites.[br]

sounds nice.. and the mod looks good. :thumbs: nice work
Why not just save it as a MIDI and be done with it? :p
Great score! That music's very impressive and the falcata looks amazing :D

Good job, guys.
Varsity said:
Why not just save it as a MIDI and be done with it? :p

actually, almost half of the both songs are done with actual instruments. The cello's in the mix are the actual instrument, david orrick is recording music for a film project he's working on which he says is quite orchestral and they kindly put down those lines for him. The oboe was also the real instrument. so yeah.... ;)