Horrible 3DMark Scores with Overclock


Jun 22, 2004
Reaction score
I just overclocked my 9800XT from 411/358 to 432/380. I ran 3D Mark 03 and I got 1000 less points than usual :frown:. There were no artifacts in the test, or gaming, and the temperature was only 71C (runs 67-69 idle). Am I doing something horribly wrong?
Was AA/AF or Vsync left on in the display properties found in the control pannel?
ok first off, you dont need to o/c judging by your specs. what are you doing it for? hl2? just get the cs:s if possible, and run the video stress test.

anyway, if you cant try hl2's engine, i wouldnt bother trying for an o/c (my specs run cs:s at 65 or so fps on 1024). btw does it become normal when you switch it back to 411/358?...pray that it does, or else something is very wrong with the card. is it new or old? have you added a heatsink? detail detail detail plz m8 :D
Okay, AA, AF and vsync are off. Unfortunalty, I got 5222 on default settings now :(. I got it in January, I haven't added anything (heatsink, fan)
Subatomic said:
I just overclocked my 9800XT from 411/358 to 432/380. I ran 3D Mark 03 and I got 1000 less points than usual :frown:. There were no artifacts in the test, or gaming, and the temperature was only 71C (runs 67-69 idle). Am I doing something horribly wrong?

You might have forgot to OC something else (Like busspeeds or w/e) which hinders and makes it work slower, even thougth it's supposed to go faster. (Once electricity cloggs up, it goes even slower still...)
My BIOS is locked, because I have a Dell, so I can't even change bus speeds. Also, my score is still low after resetting it, so that is not the problem
These things happen. This will have no effect on gaming performance. When I upgraded from 512mb to 1gb RAM my score dropped a full thousand points.
No these things dont "happen"

With those Specs you dont need to OC.

Hmm so many topics to hit.

If it doesnt revert to normal, you might have burnt/blown/stressed something, A burnt card can still work.

How many pervious test did you run? Could your first score have been a fluke? or do you have a lot to back it up?

Heres your first problem, Dont buy from a company, Build your own. But if you MUST buy from a mainstream company, dell is the way to go.

Second problem, never attempt to overclock a company bought computer, in the last few years, they've kindly made that near impossible.

I also dont know what you guys average for temp before you OCed.

But my Geforcext5900 non OCed, Runs at 40-45C tops.

OCed Only Tops at 55.

With stock fan and heatsink, You may want to check tempature now. If its running much much cooler, i'd suggest not overclocking till you add a heatsink, or a second fan.

But again, dont overclock a bought computer, "ususally" there isnt enough freedom to get much gain.

PS Adding ram should never take down your score. Are you sure you added the same speed as your pervios chip? Did you add 333 new chip? when your old was 400 maybe?

I'd double check, because adding a slower ram module will bring all modules down to the slowest speed
Heh, it was not my choice to get a Dell. My parents bought it for me when I told them I needed a 1337 masheen (after a year of begging, I am only 15) Anyways, I have run loads of tests, all came out between 6500-6700. And it always runs at that temp...
I'd say you over stressed something, Or you screwd your drives, Depending on how you overclocked. I'd suggest a clean Driver install, and report back.

Dells are the best main stream computer to buy. But honestly if you plan to be a gamer, start building your own, its exponetially cheaper, faster, solider, and you'll feel good about it.
I have a Dell with a 9800 Pro, and I really think it would be a bad idea to overclock it. As one person said, Dells are good for mainstream, but can't cut it for hardcore gaming. Cooling isn't set up for it, for one thing.

Thanks Gunsnroses

Yep, turns out I installed the catalyst 4.9 drivers wrong. I reinstalled them, and I'm back to a normal score! Now I can try overclocking again :D
I would keep an eye on your temp though, maybe through in another case fan near it.
Yea, I am thinking about adding another fan... Just got 6930 @ 437/385. This is as high as I am going, I'm getting 73C... Which isn't that bad considering it was 70 before.

I just had a birthday, so I can buy some stuff. What airsystem should I get, if it is possible to mod my Dell?
Well, you'd be suprised how much a simple case fan can do.

I've never bothered to add fans heatsinks to the actual card, i'll just place an extra case fan or two near card, and temp drops at least 10c.

If you think about it, the biggest heat sink and fan on the card wont help, if the air is hot it self, So just look on your dell if theres a vent on the back you can add another fan to. They got 2$.
You can buy 10 from newegg, 9.99 and get free shipping. You cant go wrong on 10 fans for 10bucks.

Beware to, if theres no where to mount a fan, but room, and holes in the case, or vents. You can always use a favored rigging tool, Duct tape.
Bah you dont need pre-drilled holes for fans. I merely drilled 26 holes in the top of my case a screwed a fun under them :LOL: Works wonders. Subatomic I get very similar 3dMarks to yours, in the mid 6800's. I haven't even tried to overclock my new CPU, it's fast enough. My 9800 pro is running almost exactly the same speeds as your XT.

My rig:
Athlon 64 3200+
1gb PC2700
9800 pro @ 435/385

Just goes to show you don't need to spend big bucks. My system is significantly cheaper than Subatomic's and it's just as fast, if not faster.
I know you can drill your own holes, I did in my first computer, HP was to small to put in a second harddrive, so made the room my self.

But not everyone has a drill, or is willing to drill.
Make sure if you do drill though, to have a vacum running at the drill spot, 1 metal filing could spell the end for your mobo.
Be aware, that if you overclock too high, and get artifacts, your score actually might lower.
Gunsnroses said:
Make sure if you do drill though, to have a vacum running at the drill spot, 1 metal filing could spell the end for your mobo.

Jesus christ, no, don't do that. Take everything out of your case before drilling.
iamaelephant said:
Jesus christ, no, don't do that. Take everything out of your case before drilling.


But you would be suprised what will remain in your case after your done. ITs best to grab it then, when its easy, then after.
Subatomic said:

Thanks Gunsnroses

Yep, turns out I installed the catalyst 4.9 drivers wrong. I reinstalled them, and I'm back to a normal score! Now I can try overclocking again :D

just DON'T O/C ANYWAY!!! it lowers your card's life span like something extremely heavy. your specs are fine, besides, if something goes wrong, you wont be able to send the card back as you have broken your guarantee. ull just have a slightly singed paper weight instead.