Horrible lag in CSS and HLDM


Nov 20, 2004
Reaction score
I used to play Counter-Strike Source and HL2 Deathmatch often, usually on local servers with a ping of about 30-70. At that point, nothing seemed terribly laggy. After not playing the game for a few weeks, I decided to play. However, whenever i join a game, even if i have the lowest ping in the server (around 30-40), I get horrible lag, and i cant see anybody because they jump around on the screen (although i'd bet they could see me, as they did not have any difficulty in killing me). I was wondering if this is a result of a recent update or something, or if anyone else has experienced a similar problem. I tried reinstalling, but that has not worked. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

ps. I don't think my connection is the problem (1mbit dsl), and ive checked to make sure that no programs are using upload or download bandwidth before playing.
What are the rest of your computer's specs?
Athlon 64 3000+, NVidia GeForce 5700 Ultra, 1gb ram, 180gb hard drive space. I can run single player just fine at 1024+ resolutions. OS: Windows XP Pro, SP1.
Never mind, it turns out steam was set to 14.1k modem settings...damn you steam