Horror Game Sudgestions

Jun 19, 2008
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Hey all, about a month back i bought Fatal Frame 2 seeing as how i haven't played anything horror in a long while and i felt like having a good scare. I was dissapointed when i discovered not only was it not scary, it was actually a pretty boring game, though the concept i have to admit is pretty good.

I'm still thinking about it, so what are some of your favorite horror games? Other Fatal Frame games are welcome of course.

And before i forget, don't say Dead Space. I mean honestly people... :hmph:
Silent Hill 2.
Siren series.

What systems? have you
I wouldn't call it complete horror, but it's still amazing- System Shock 2.
What is a Sudgestion? Is it like Fudge? Mmm, fudge.

I 2nd Cryostasis. That is a very atmospheric game. It pulls you right into the story.
Dead Rising, if you own a 360. It's just pure fun.

Are you looking for more recent titles? I wouldn't bother with the new Resident Evil game.

Clive Barker's Jericho - An overall good game but it has a disappointing ending.

Cold Fear - I haven't tried it out yet myself but i heard some good things about it. It's a mix between The Thing and the early Resident Evil games.

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of Earth - This another overlooked game like Cryostasis.
Very atmospheric and scary. Definitely a must for H.P.Lovecraft fans.
Bioshock was occasionally scary at 1am. But I don't really scare easily, or go looking for scares anyway.

edit: Oh, System Shock is a good one if you're the jumpy type. The low-fi graphics and sounds make it into this creepy, otherworldly experience. Can you imagine going downstairs with the lights blinking like sheet-lightning and a large pixelated shape lunges at you, speaking like an electronic cash register? It's a game where they did a lot of intelligent simulation that we now take for granted, but it's done with the most primitive tools and hardware imaginable. Like the most believable nightmare you could ever have in 8-bit.
Call of cthulu. Very underated. Also clive barkers undying. Its got a scythe in it. And you get to fire exploding skulls out of your hands. Also underated.
Dead Space, The Suffering, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Cold Fear.
Clock Tower: The First Fear, and Second (not two, it's anime shit)
System Shock series
Call of Cthulhu
Original Silent Hill
Penumbra series
Get the game of The Thing, I've heard quite good things about it horror wise.