hostage / bots prob

  • Thread starter Thread starter shluh
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hi all

this is about a CS_map - hostage rscue in source sdk

I've created a house map with 2 levels .

The bots on the first lvl , ground lvl , are ok and follow when asked.

But, The bots on the second lvl don't want to follow AT all ...
I have put nodes all around the place even if it wasnt necessary , just to try.

Also , on your minimap you can see your team and hostages .. little cube dots and when they are on higher grounds then you are they change to |- , you all know that but my prob is that when i'm downstairs the house , the bots upstairs have the cube dots and when i'm up then they have the |- icon , indicating they are downstairs ... : /

LAso i've tested the map with some bots , and they won't even go upstairs ... ? :/ i even pushed them upstairs but then when they are in some room upstairs they just stand still and do nothing.

plz help ... i've been trying to get this figured out for hours .. :(

thx in advance :)
nodes dont work they arent used for that, open console after you have loaded the game and join spectators.

type sv_cheats 1

let it generate a new nav file and try that. If it doesnt fix everything reply ill post a more in depth tutorial.
hey , just tried this out , didnt change anything , the bots still wont go upstairs and the hostages on the 2nd lvl still wont follow.

I've been creating a new nav file everytime i test the lvl.

thx for the help

i also checked for leaks of any kind , everything is cealed pretty tight .. so can't figure out what's wrong with the upper part of the house
are your stairs too big? If they are oversized they definitely wont work, use the dev stairs texture to create a brush next to the ones you made to check them, just make sure the texture scale is set to default 0.25

If it isnt that, you can type nav_edit in console and then while in spec mode fly around and put a bunch of nav_mark_walkable points everywhere, again all done with sv_cheats 1
ok, try this, instead of just placing a few of the mark_walkables like you have, place them in a circle around your hostages, and move the hostages into the middle of the room away from the walls. Its tricky I know, my map im releasing tomorrow gave me a couple issues like this with the hostages, it takes some playing around with. All I can say at this point is make sure you are placing your points from specatator mode, and make sure the hostages arent stuck in the ground or anything.
ok will try , thx very much :)

i just can't understand why the hostages or bots are such a pain in the ass -> i allready made some map with econd story houses and that didnt give any problems ...
make sure you nav_save after you edit the nav, might have to reload the map for changes to take effect

tryed that, it did do the trick of getting one of the hostages with me , but they wont follow me all around the room or uppeer floor.

When i come near the stairs they suddenly jump off , and bots don't come upstairs...

you think i have some leak in the upper part of my house ?
so that nav_generate isnt including walkable space on the 2nd floor ?

i made a little movie (quality is not good , but you can see what i mean)
question for you, have you messed around with area painting? Its the technique of assigning names to areas, so when you are playing in game, under your radar it shows the area you are in such as lobby or ct spawn etc. If you use go thru that process, you can actually SEE if the engine is showing that upper floor as walkable space. It sounds like it isnt, im certain of that. So you need to figure out why, I am thinking its something other than a leak, like the ceiling is too low. Heres that tutorial, follow it up to step 4 and you will be able to see "walkable" space as broken up squares and rectangles etc. I think its your ceiling, but I could be wrong. If I get some free time ill look at your vmf file, otherwise you can go to and there are some really helpful people there who would do the same.

In the game, you open up the console and use the commands.

1) nav_generate (skip this step if you have a nav file)
2) sv_cheats 1 (turn on the cheats)
3) nav_edit 1 (edit navigation mesh)
4) nav_set_place_mode 1 (edit painting)
5) nav_use_place ## (where ## is a keyword like TSpawn)
6) nav_toggle_place_painting (to start painting names)
7) drag your mouse around to paint the name on the selected areas
8) nav_toggle_place_painting (to stop painting names)
9) nav_save (to save)
no did not do such things as area painting.
I removed the ceiling , so now the ceiling is the roof , which is pretty big now , i made it into a big attic.
anyway the ceiling apparently the ceiling sint the prob cause they still won't move.

so now i'm gonna try painting the uppder floor

thx for the info and patience :)
aha , they follow !! yes :p

so after i tryed making the room bigger and paining the areas , i threw my nav file away , and so creating a new one using nav_generate.

and guess what , it actually worked :p

now i can see the yellow and red lines in edit mode on my upper part of the house too :)

every time i did an nav_generate i didnt remove the nav file assuming it would overwrite the previous one , maybe it did , maybe not :)

anyway , thx for your patience and information ;)
one more q ... :/ :)

regarding hostages ->
they will follow me , if i open a door , they promply run back.. how's that ?
do i have to do something special in source for hostages so they can follow through a door ?
i also put nav_mark_walkable in the middle of the door opening en in and out side the door .. that didnt do the trick either ?

thx :)
bots/hostages dont like doors, even if they open. If you compile your map and it has a room with a door, you will notice in the nav_edit feature I showed you earlier that the room isnt shown as walkable space. You could try compiling the map again with the door starting as open, that might fix it, but as a rule I keep my doors open all the time to avoid this.
well all my doors are rotating doors .. so :/

what do you mean leave them open , like in no doors or rotate the doors to open ?
just do this...

1. load your map
2. go into console and do a sv_cheats 1
3. nav_edit 1 (this will should you all the navigation mesh already created)
4. go to the area where your navigation mesh isnt being created (your upstairs area) and do a nav_mark_walkable.
5. run your nav_generate again.
6. now your previously unmeshed area should have a navigation mesh for it but the problem will be that the two seperate navigation meshes arent connecting to each other...

to make them connect you will have to draw some navigation mesh yourself but it's not to hard.. the commands you need are
nav_begin (to start drawing one of the navigation boxes.. or is it nav_mark_begin? just play with it) and nav_end (to stop drawing the navigation box). to connect the navigation box area's with your current mesh you select your newly created navigation box area thingy and do a nav_select, which will highlight the selected box blue. Then go to the navigation box you want to connect it to and type nav_connect. This connection is ONE-WAY so you have to do another nav_select and nav_connect in the other direction as well. If you accidentally connect the wrong things you can do a nav_select and nav_disconnect.

It sounds pretty complicated at first but once you screw around with it it'll be pretty simple. I always go in and tweek my navigation meshes after using nav_Generate to create them. You can get rid of a LOT of lag caused by bots and make hostages/bots move through the map more naturally.

nav_begin (start drawing a block of navigation mesh)

nav_end (end drawing a block of navigation mesh)

nav_select (select a specific block of the navigation mesh)

nav_connect (connect nav_select(ed) block of navigation mesh to another block of navigation mesh... this is a one-way connection)

nav_disconnect (disconnect nav_select(ed) block of navigation mesh from another block of navigation mesh.. this works both ways)

nav_delete (deletes selected navigation mesh)

nav_corner_Select (cycle through the 4 corners of a block of navigation mesh so you can use nav_raise_corner or nav_lower_corner... or is it nav_Corner_raise and nav_corner_lower?)

nav_corner_raise (or is it nav_raise_corner?... read the nav_corner_select description)

nav_corner_lower (or is it nav_lower_corner?... read the nav_corner_select description)

nav_edit 1 (or nav_Edit 0 .. toggles nav_edit mode on and off)

nav_save - SAVES YOUR NAVIGATION MESH! If you dont do this you're wasting your time :)

have fun hehe
you can use doors no problem.. the problem is that even though you have a nav_mark_walkable on the other side of the door.. and the navigation mesh is being draw, the problem is that the two area's arent connected.

nav_edit 1
nav_select the block of navigation mesh on one side of the door then nav_connect it to the navigation mesh block on the other side of the door. Now make the connection in reverese as well because the nav_connect command is only one way... what I mean is that the bot/hostage will be able to go through the door one direction but not the other if you dont make the nav_connect(ion) in both directions. dig?

But rotating doors have always given me a problem with bots.. they dont seem to understand that they have to back up for a rotating door to open if it opens towards them.. so be carefull if you're using rotating doors that only open in one direction and a bot has to use it from that way.

i'll check back here in awhile to see if anyoen else has any questions. i havent been mapping for but about 6 months but navigation mesh is something that really frustrated me for awhile and i decided to just break it's will and conquer it like a virgin on prom nigh...errrrr... nevermind :)