Hostile Freedom - Titan Anti-armor weapon


May 14, 2003
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Here is a render of our Titan Anti-armor weapon which will be used by the Stygian forces to combat the Opanara's heavy vehicles and defenses.

Initially I planned for this to be used as an attachment on a heavy-suited Stygian, however, as time went on I realized it was too much steel and the proportions alone would make it impossible to balance, not to mention fit in a comfortable fashion. It is now just a mountable weapon. It can fit on most vehicles and comes with a tri-pod that can rotate in any direction.



Ain't that a bit old? :p

Forget Creative Director, you should be our modeller.
Very nice. It isn't finished, so I don't care about the trigger.
Bah! Balance be darned! You think a rine can fire a BFG placed on his shoulders at a cacodemon without pulverizing his collarbone?
I guess you can mount it in a bunker too.
hmm, it does look alright. but it would be impossible to shot anything that was about 20 degrees right because judging on the pivot the gun uses the actual gun will not turn and will hit the sheild skirts. Look at this image and it will explain.
You're misled there Ichi, the entire thing moves, shield and all. Those feet on the shield are there for when it is put down on the ground for whatever reason. The tri-pod makes it complete giving it maneuverablity and all.