Hot in Xen?


Jun 8, 2007
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ok ok ok
so here i was playing Opfor and i get to the part where you can follow gordon through the portal as he goes to Xen.

so i do it the first time, only to find i fall to my doom.
so the second time, i try the good old no clip cheat and fly about a bit! lo and behold i come across a familiar face in the distance, standing on a platform! its gordon :D! so i fly over to say hello and well..

he appears to be wearing sunglasses! i dont know if this is like a mini easter egg in the game but still, i found it amusing.

i then killed gordon and jumped to my death.
lol i know :D so i thought id jump to my death instead to make up for it lol
Yeah, the OP4 Gordon model has sun-glasses and no long-jump module.
O_O No... Long Jump... Module... WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO???

Oh, and Gordon doesn't have a helmet :p
That too. :p
I didn't mention the H word though because I've had far too many helmet debates.
helmet debates?! what do some people think hes wearing a helmet and others dont?
The game implies that he doesn't but others think he does because other models wearing HEV suits wear helmets and also because if Gordon is exposed to radiation (which he will as it is the entire point of the HEV suit) then he will die because he doesn't have a helmet. But hey it's a video game.
lol well in op4 he has sunglasses!??! (see my pic on first post)
He's obviously one of those folks from the matrix...
An HEV helmet pops up whenever radiation is detected, you go under water, or you use zoom. And when anyone who actually gives a damn is looking.
Of course he wears the helmet during the game. Where do you think the HUD comes from, his glasses?

Pictures of Gordon without the helm are just for promo artwork.

*uncases Debat Gun*

Okay, promo artwork, yes, true, but also. . . Suspension of disbelief? That's like asking why a BullSquid, which has flesh like us, can survive in radiation, or why Vorts, Grunts, Gargs, Alien Controllers, and Nihilanth have a third arm. Or why the Army where's cammo. . . I't reasonable that they do, in some cases. Also, there ARE different versions of the HEV, and in racing games, they have track maps, you don't have those flying in front of you r face in a real race, do YOU? No, because it's just a representation. Also, how would ALL the scientists and security guards KNOW it's Gordon Freeman if you were wearing a bloody helmet. And what about forcefields? Maybe back then, humanity couldn't make large area forcefields, so is it impossible that Gordon has a small, experimental forcefield guarding his face? Maybe god or Bhudda (Cheat Code Activated) gave him a blessing of facial immunity from radiation, flames, etc...???
A transparent Plexiglas faceplate.

Tadaaa? Problem solved, ooh yeah!
How is it that I knew this was coming, but I'm still surprised?

Morphine; Maybe the suit has its own 'case' or storage for morphine that seeps in when an integrity breach is detected?

Seriously, if he does, yay, +1 point realism, if he doesn't, yay, +1 point imagination. You take it so god damn seriously, well, did you ever play Mario and have debates about HOW he can jump on something and kill it? Did you ever ask while playing DOOM, "Why does he have gloves when reloading the shotgun, but not when he punches?" Did you ever ask "HOW THE HELL DID THEY COME ACROSS A FLOATING DISK IN SPACE???" when playing Halo? No, because IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! So what, Valve missed one (maybe many more) realistic points, but as great as the atmoshpere of the game is totally awesome, missing one little point isn't going to change the ENTIRE PLOT of the game...
im on ur side if u notice i was criticizing the ppl who think he MUST be wearing a helmet
The morphine is injected via an IV inside the suit.

You know, until the other day I never thought I'd see anyone debate whether or not Gordon is wearing his helmet. It's like expecting people to start debating whether or not you eat with forks. I'm seriously starting to question the intelligence of some people around here. When someone can't deduce how the Morphine is administered, I start to worry.

There was just never any reason not to think of the suit realistically. The only room for speculation about the nature of the suit that I see is the nature of the energy's damage reduction.
so it magically hooks up an IV when u put it on? my point is a lot of this stuff cant be realistic ... i mean u cant go up to a suit and press E and have it dissapear from in front of u and reappear on ur body ... arguing about this stuff is kinda dumb because u cant try to use realistic logic to figure out things such as "does gordon wear a helmet or not" because the whole thing is unrealistic ... for the good of the game
No, it's not magic. The suit doesn't put itself on you in a split second. It is implied that Gordon is taking a few minutes to get suited up when you walk on it, and it would be pretty boring to sit through that.
k u have seen the suit both in artwork and in-game. duz it have a nametag? no ... u dont see the helmet in-game either for that matter

You don't see the suit gloves in-game for that matter. What about it? The HEV suit in the first game is low-poly and lacking in detail. In the second game anybody who knows you wear a hazard suit knows who you are. Those who don't think you're a random mook. In power armour. Or something.

Besides, I don't see the problem in rationalizing little things like this. Yes, it's a game. So what? If it can't be explained we can just poo-poo it as gameplay mechanics. If it can be explained... why complain?

And don't say we are taking it too seriously. We obviously have free time. A few seconds of rationalization isn't a bad thing. nor is it a waste of time, since it gives us pleasure and amusement. Why complain?
Helmet (mask?) is invisible, or cast in the shape and texture of the wearer's head to appear as if they are not wearing a helmet.

There is absolutely no reason for Gordon to ever need a helmet after the initial portal storm.
Helmet (mask?) is invisible, or cast in the shape and texture of the wearer's head to appear as if they are not wearing a helmet.

There is absolutely no reason for Gordon to ever need a helmet after the initial portal storm.

I'd think with (what with all the people shooting at him) that not being shot in the head is an important reason.
I've always wondered how the naysayers explain the hazard suit's ability to zoom on objects (not to mention supply the wearer with air while underwater). But it really is a silly debate and Valve appears to have left it deliberately ambiguous, save for the fact that Gordon is always depicted sans helmet in concept art.
I wasn't TRYING to complain, I just want to know what it really matters?
It doesn't really matter, but it's still fun to discuss. Why ask if it matters?
I've always wondered how the naysayers explain the hazard suit's ability to zoom on objects (not to mention supply the wearer with air while underwater). But it really is a silly debate and Valve appears to have left it deliberately ambiguous, save for the fact that Gordon is always depicted sans helmet in concept art.

And when you use thirdperson in HL1. He's even got his little ponytail.
Of course he wears the helmet during the game. Where do you think the HUD comes from, his glasses?

Pictures of Gordon without the helm are just for promo artwork.

HOLY SH*T YOUR STILL ALIVE?! I thought we lost you in the "breen escaping from the citadel thingy" thread against samon.
I'd think with (what with all the people shooting at him) that not being shot in the head is an important reason.

Helmet or not, he will get shot in the head. And if he did, while wearing "it" he might get a concussion or black out.

Realistically, Gordon would not make it out of Black Mesa if he got shot more than a couple times, hazard suit or not. It's not kevlar.

Idealistically, Gordon would never get shot. If Half Life were a book and not an action-oriented game, I think this would be the case.

Fantastically, the HEV exerts some kind of energy field that repels/absorbs damage.

Intuitively, a mouth piece for limited internal oxygen is supplied via a retracting mechanism in the torso/collar, and HUD is displayed in his shades, which fit over and secure his glasses.

Simplistically, it's just a(n old) game and nobody gave it any real thought at the time.
Helmet or not, he will get shot in the head. And if he did, while wearing "it" he might get a concussion or black out.

Bullets don't have that much energy. He'll probably just get a headache.

Realistically, Gordon would not make it out of Black Mesa if he got shot more than a couple times, hazard suit or not. It's not kevlar.

It's better than kevlar. I doubt kevlar would help somebody survive electrical shocks or RPGs.

Intuitively, a mouth piece for limited internal oxygen is supplied via a retracting mechanism in the torso/collar, and HUD is displayed in his shades, which fit over and secure his glasses.

He wears a full-body hazard suit into a irradiated room. Without a helmet. Wearing shades.

Fantastically, the HEV exerts some kind of energy field that repels/absorbs damage.

Simplistically, it's just a(n old) game and nobody gave it any real thought at the time.

Of course it's unrealistic. Lots of things in the game are unrealistic. It's a scifi game: It just has to make internal sense. It's better having a magic suit than having a magic suit without a helmet.
I was wondering about the headshot issue too. One hit in the noggin and our silent protagonist is out of the race. But I guess Freeman is imbued with Chuck Norris-esque powers, so that's cool too. ;)