hot model has no belly button

I once had a friend with no belly button. We used to go to the cinema a lot. One time, before the film, they ran this advert (I forget what it was for) which consisted of a guy on the screen running through a statiscal breakdown of the people in the audience with regard to random facts.

"73 of you have swallowed an insect before...40 of you will have a heart attack at some point in your lives...4 of you will tread in dog mess on the way home..." Blah blah, etc.

"One of you-" *dramatic close up of narrator* "-has no belly button."

My friend was freaked out/pissed off.
The truth is, these are clones grown in test tubes.
this actually creeps me out , im not sure why but being belly-buttonless is a bit unsettling.
this actually creeps me out , im not sure why but being belly-buttonless is a bit unsettling.

Me too, not least because I can't do my 'I bet I can touch your belly button .... from the INSIDE!!!' pick up line on her. :(
Maybe she is a pleasure model robot. Kinda like Pris in Blade Runner. :O
I don't know HOW this woman won voted world's sexiest woman.

I don't find her attractive at all. Maybe her body a bit, but there's tons of other women with bodies like that.

Her face is a major turnoff.
does not compute.

Okay, well, the picture I've seen of her the other day on yahoo made her look unappealing then.

These images make me turned off to her face. I really abhor most of these supermodels. In many of her other photos though her face looks fine.



Reminds me of the internet fad where people photoshopped out nipples and genitalia to look like just smooth skin over it. Hilarious.
These images make me turned off to her face. I really abhor most of these supermodels. In many of her other photos though her face looks fine.

i agree in regards to these photos. shes kinda pulling her nose in.
Its not really, not a bellybutton. Its just smoother than normally. It still goes in, just not as much.

inb4others - Thats what she said.
I know a guy whos got three nipples. We call him sneeze-guard.
I completely convinced this guy I know that I had no nipples... and that's a true story!