Hotmail closing down?


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some idiot said:
Hey it is the director of MSN, Tim Buiski,
sorry for the interruption but MSN is closing the system down
because too many inconsiderate people are taking up all the names, we only
have 578
names left, if you would like to close your account, then do
not send
message out, if you would like to keep your account, then send
to everyone on your contact list. This is no joke, we are
really shutting
down the servers. Send it, thanks, Tim Buiski, WHO

I mean seriously...This is the 3rd one of these types of chain mails I've gotten, I'm ungoidly annoyed of them. Please tell me I'm not alone in the "why are the idiots sending me this" club :(
Hmmmmm, I think its just an annoying joke, I didnt get one and no one I know got one
The apocalypse is coming! Believe in ........... (too long) ........... Send this message to everyone and your soul will be saved.

How bout that?
i'm so glad people stop sending forwards when they get to around 17.
i get no forwards any more :) hurray for blocking anyone who does.
xLostx said:
i get no forwards any more :) hurray for blocking anyone who does.
I just started following that rule too :D
destrukt said:
i'm so glad people stop sending forwards when they get to around 17.

My grandma's about 73, and all my chain letters come from her :(

Thunderbird junk mail filters FTW!
I still get emails like these from stupid people who belive company chairmen email them personally.
oh, hahah, bad luck.

maybe it takes a certain amount of years, like you start with the whole cool kid forward emails in grade 8 (13 years old) than 4 or so years later you're over it.

so according to my theory, you're grandma should be over it in 4 years.
destrukt said:
oh, hahah, bad luck.

maybe it takes a certain amount of years, like you start with the whole cool kid forward emails in grade 8 (13 years old) than 4 or so years later you're over it.

so according to my theory, you're grandma should be over it in 4 years.

Let's hope so, because it's really annoying getting a chain letter full of Fillipino names saying "Send this to your family or anybody who you want to have good health! This is not a joke! Completely serious!"

Then there's some bitch long Catholic reading in the original body :(

CC: Maximo Conscepsceion BCC: Lynn Mata BCCC: Jenet Argento BCCCCCC: some flip etc etc
Mario is horny

xLostx said:
Mario is horny


Oddly enough, i'm both Filipino AND Italian.

xLostx FTW!

Anyway, do you have any idea who originated the chain letter?

Cause this begs the question...

Hey there, lol. This is Bill Gates! lol, long time no see! I've become the leader of a large company since the last time you saw me.
Just to let you know that we will be closing your forums down and deactiviting your copies of XP unless each member sends $5 to Microsoft.

Also my son is a Nigerian prince, and has $30 million, half of which will be yours if you send a deposit of $20 000 to [email protected]

lol, take care now and hope to see you and your money soon.

Also, if you don't forward this e-mail to 100 other forums, the nano-robots contained within this post will boil your eyes right out of their sockets! The nanobots communicate really well, so they will know if you don't forward this post enough times!

Sorry for the inconvieniance! lol!

Your pal,

Bill (lol, My real name is William).
kirovman said:
Hey there, lol. This is Bill Gates! lol, long time no see! I've become the leader of a large company since the last time you saw me.
Just to let you know that we will be closing your forums down and deactiviting your copies of XP unless each member sends $5 to Microsoft.

Also my son is a Nigerian prince, and has $30 million, half of which will be yours if you send a deposit of $20 000 to [email protected]

lol, take care now and hope to see you and your money soon.

Also, if you don't forward this e-mail to 100 other forums, the nano-robots contained within this post will boil your eyes right out of their sockets! The nanobots communicate really well, so they will know if you don't forward this post enough times!

Sorry for the inconvieniance! lol!

Your pal,

Bill (lol, My real name is William).

I got that whole "MSN is shutting down" crap, it sickens me about some of the consequences of not spamming it.

"Hey, you got bitten by a were-wolf and the only way to solve it is to send this to 10,000 people in 0.04 seconds or else everyone you know and love will die by your hand! :D"

Ugh, I don't pass them on for obvious reasons.

EDIT: One I just got

Kid with AIDS said:

True Friend

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty,


She asked him if he would want to be with her forever....

and he said no.

She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry,

and once again he replied with a no.

She had heard enough. As she walked away, tears streaming down her face the
boy grabbed her arm and said....


not pretty you're beautiful.

I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED to be with you forever.

And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die...


I like you because of who you are to me....A true friend

and if I don't get this back I'll take the hint.
Tonight at midnight your
true love will realize they like you. Something good will happen to you at tomorrow. It could be anywhere -- AOL, Yahoo, outside of
school, anywhere. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Please
send to 15 people in 15 minutes.

Remember: A good friend will come bail you out of jail....
But a true friend will be sitting next to you saying WE screwed up!

Proud to be your Friend! Make sure you read all the way down to the last
sentence, and don't skip ahead.

I've reallized That life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets
to the end, the faster it goes.

I've learned....That we should be glad God doesn't give us everything we ask

I've learned....That money doesn't buy class.

I've learned....That it's those small daily happenings that make life so

ive learned...That under everyone's hard shell is someone who wants to be
appreciated and loved.

I've learned....That the Lord didn't do it all in one day. What makes me
think I can?

I've learned....That to ignore the facts does not change the facts.

I've learned....That the less time I have to work, the more things I get

It's National Friendship Week. Show your friends how much you care. Send
this to everyone you consider a FRIEND, even if it mea
sending it back to
the person who sent it to you. If it comes back to you, then you'll know you
have a circle of friends. Thank you for being my friend too.
I love BLAM!ing people when they send me FWDs.
But what's getting worse these days are MSN fwds, the copy into all other contacts kind.

tomorow is national LOVE U Day if u get this that means u r Luvd Send this to 10 people in the next 1 min and tomorow will be ur best day ever and Tonight at midnight ur tRue Luv will realize that t Luv u & something will happen to u at 4 pm tomorow, it could be anywhere,

got that yesterday from someone i havn't talked to in about 11 months.
Disgusting. Anyone ever got that one where someone goes 'OMG I SAW TWO MEN BEING RACIST THIS IS DISGUSTING PASS THIS ONE ON OR URE RACIST'?

I tracked it to its source (or as near as I could get), started a new email address and spammed every sender on the list of passers-on with five replies each saying '**** you and **** your chainmail. [INSERT ****ING **** RANT HERE]'.
there is a complete retard who sends me every chain letter on the planet

i told him to piss of but he reckons he will get bad luck,
admiteedly he got a u in AS maths tihnking hee could get a B, and thusly sponsored thru uni by the Army

he's a tit,
if u ever meet Aaron Dixon give hima punch for me
Can't you just send people goatse if they send you chain letters?

"omg if you don't click this link and send it to whoever gave you chain letter you die!!!11!one!!elventy-one!
If this was legit, then certainly MICROSOFT can afford somebody to write an e-mail that doesn't sound like jackassery.
i hate the ones that play on ur emotions by talking about people who need cancer treatment or a surgeory but cant afford it. there is no way to track emails and forwards so i really dont get the point of making up such crap ?.
If you delete this ... you seriously don't have a heart.
Hi, I am a 29 year old father. Me and my wife have had a
wonderful life together. God blessed us with a child too. Our
daughter's name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old.
Not long ago the doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body.
There is only one way to save operation.
Sadly, we don't have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have
agreed to help us. The only way they can help us is this way, I send
this email to you and you send it to other people. AOL will track this
email and count how many people get it.
Every person who opens this email and sends it to at least 3 people
will give us 32 cents. Please help us. Sincerely

if u think about it logically why would aol and zdnet choose such an elaborate way to fund their treatment ? they have the money to treat the person why on earth would they want you to send junk mail half way across the world. i dont know how people benefit from creating this stuff.
mindless_moder said:
if u think about it logically why would aol and zdnet choose such an elaborate way to fund their treatment ? they have the money to treat the person why on earth would they want you to send junk mail half way across the world. i dont know how people benefit from creating this stuff.
Simply enjoy it. Tell the forwarders you have cancer too, and make them donate to your Paypal-account. If they donate, you have money and they are feeling better for helping a person with cancer :D

What I find the most hilarious one of them all is the chain letter to stop , a joke site. Some bitch that can't stop crying glanced at the site and now she's gone into super-bitch-mode and is sending EVERYONE as much as chain letters about this as possible.

I laugh at them and tell them I've got a bonsai kitten too :laugh:
mindless_moder said:
i hate the ones that play on ur emotions by talking about people who need cancer treatment or a surgeory but cant afford it. there is no way to track emails and forwards so i really dont get the point of making up such crap ?.

if u think about it logically why would aol and zdnet choose such an elaborate way to fund their treatment ? they have the money to treat the person why on earth would they want you to send junk mail half way across the world. i dont know how people benefit from creating this stuff.
True, some people are just sick.
If you delete this ... you seriously don't have a heart.
Hi, I am a 29 year old father. Me and my wife have had a
wonderful life together. God blessed us with a child too. Our
daughter's name is Rachel, and she is 10 years old.
Not long ago the doctors detected brain cancer and in her little body.
There is only one way to save operation.
Sadly, we don't have enough money to pay the price. AOL and ZDNET have
agreed to help us. The only way they can help us is this way, I send
this email to you and you send it to other people. AOL will track this
email and count how many people get it.
Every person who opens this email and sends it to at least 3 people
will give us 32 cents. Please help us. Sincerely

When I first got that email three years ago I laughed. Then I considered it. Then I laughed again. I deleted the mail, and for a moment I felt like a cold heartless bastard...what if it was real? Too late now. I carried on about my business. Just a few months ago, I got the same letter again. THE CHILD HAS NOT GROWN OR DIED YET :eek: :laugh:
CyberPitz said:
I mean seriously...This is the 3rd one of these types of chain mails I've gotten, I'm ungoidly annoyed of them. Please tell me I'm not alone in the "why are the idiots sending me this" club :(

Have you got a spam filter?
Sulkdodds said:
When I first got that email three years ago I laughed. Then I considered it. Then I laughed again. I deleted the mail, and for a moment I felt like a cold heartless bastard...what if it was real? Too late now. I carried on about my business. Just a few months ago, I got the same letter again. THE CHILD HAS NOT GROWN OR DIED YET :eek: :laugh:

It's a Brazillian super baby that is incapable of growing or dying but still able to get terminally ill.

It's really weird that people get fooled by those things.