Hottest girls in the world.

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Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Show your pics of what you believe is the hottest of hot. The cream of the crop. I recently did a thread on hottest video game character...which ended with ms pac man and sam fisher. :dozey: So let's do real women this time. :naughty:

My offering to the table:

Katie Price, from Britain (I'm sure all you "blokes" from there that are on these forums know of her.)




Really, so called hot girls don't do it for me. I'm not trying to be all moral or whatever, they really just aren't my type. Its like, beefcake women aren't my type either. I just find them to be the ultimate turnoff (That applies to the beefcakes as well ;))

But please, don't let me ruin your thread. I would post a picture, but I don't really have any that come to mind.
Farrowlesparrow said:

Really, so called hot girls don't do it for me.

I agree with this. I don't really like classic beauty so much. I prefer someone who has more of a unique look, especially in their face, that distinguishes them from the crowd.
katie price, eugh ;(

i wouldn't kick her out of bed, but definitely not the hottest girl on the planet. almost too artificial...almost boring to look at. dunno really.

more of a 'girl next door' type of bloke ;)
shadow6899 said:
ummmm.... they dont? at least not for me.... i got the pics from google. just search sky lopez. it was the first link on there i got the from. in the gallery.

Maybe you already have it ;)

It tries to make you download an exe, and the url changes to something less suitable :)
I had to alter it a bit to make it forum appropriate ;-)


  • person.jpg
    43.5 KB · Views: 369
lol, shirt.
Too bad that site is full of creepy people. I guess if that's what floats your boat... Very nice photoshopping btw.
Theres too many really hot girls in the world to determine one....

but shadow damn.... sky lopez is one of the best IMO also.

Eventhough I'm not a girl, that's how hot I am.
ComradeBadger said:
Not going to post who I think is hot :)
Comrade, stop - you'll make me blush!

As for Katie Price... Not to be too blunt about it but... Well you could park a bus in her. <Shudders>

Neutrino said:
I agree with this. I don't really like classic beauty so much. I prefer someone who has more of a unique look, especially in their face, that distinguishes them from the crowd.
Karen O! <Rubs thighs>
el Chi said:
As for Katie Price... Not to be too blunt about it but... Well you could park a bus in her. <Shudders>

Hmmm.... maybe I was looking at the wrong photographs! :)

Sorry, but that sounded really, really bad. :thumbs:
And then some.
I saw her "home video" - purely for research reasons, you understand (cultural insight etc). Afterwards I felt so dirty, like my eyes had been sullied. But the dirt won't come off...
el Chi said:
And then some.
I saw her "home video" - purely for research reasons, you understand (cultural insight etc). Afterwards I felt so dirty, like my eyes had been sullied. But the dirt won't come off...

I've seen pictures but no motion

And oldagerocker, Carmen Electa is very nice :)
Wow...I actually found that comment about being a she by Doctor, hillarious. I'm not being sarcastic either :O

I know badger's position well...And I'm not talking about our nocturnal antics :naughty:
Does nobody else think that those two ladies are stunningly hot in my previous post? :eek:
I thought the first girl was hot, the other... naah. :)
i go for brunettes though, they are the best.
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