house of the dead 3 demo


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
dunno if any of you will really care....i was just idling on 3dgamers and noticed the demo for the house of the dead 3 was out. i'm not hugely hyped about this game in the slightest but i'm downloading it cos i'm bored

house of the dead 3 demo
I loved the first two! Never tried this though. I even have the lightgun for the Dreamcast. Great fun!
They really need to make another Typing of the Dead.
satch919 said:
I loved the first two! Never tried this though. I even have the lightgun for the Dreamcast. Great fun!

I used to have the lightgun for dreamcast.. but it broked ;( I have House of the Dead for it too
just finished playing it

i used to enjoy house of the dead when i was young but it does nothing for me at all anymore

worse than the 90s
:O i remember Typing of the Dead it was awesome! damn i;ll need to find the cd again

EDIT: just finished it. not tht bad really. its a amazingly short demo but oh well, also the very hard mode is too easy