How are rankings calculated


Dec 25, 2004
Reaction score
Just curious how the ranks on servers are calculated as Ive seen a few where the top 10 vary with say the top having a lower KD ratio than the 2nd placed player
things like accuracy come into it too

not sure what it is but its basically an equation that takes into consideration things like your KPD accuracy, your rank and the rank of who u killed or were killed by. things like that

Rank is solely based on overall kills which is totally rediculous. Only the good server have them based on KDR, which is nice.
Q_onfused said:

Rank is solely based on overall kills which is totally rediculous. Only the good server have them based on KDR, which is nice.

actually no i know of more than 1 server that isnt stone age anymore

on total kills thats stupid

kpd is no better whats to stop me going on a server when noobs are on killing like 11 times with 0 deaths and holding 1st place for however long
Exclamatio said:
actually no i know of more than 1 server that isnt stone age anymore

on total kills thats stupid

kpd is no better whats to stop me going on a server when noobs are on killing like 11 times with 0 deaths and holding 1st place for however long

If they have 11 kills and 0 deaths, theyre not noobs are they?
Exclamatio said:
actually no i know of more than 1 server that isnt stone age anymore

on total kills thats stupid

kpd is no better whats to stop me going on a server when noobs are on killing like 11 times with 0 deaths and holding 1st place for however long

On the server that I play on, they don't count rank until the 100th kill... then it ranks you for you KDR.
You get alot of ppl sneaking around and going for cheap kills if it was kdp.
If we are talking about mani mod stats, which I guess we probably are, then it is possible for the person running the server to switch the ranking between most kills and KDR.
Slip777 said:
If they have 11 kills and 0 deaths, theyre not noobs are they?

depends who theyre playing

i believe sorting it by just kills or just kpd is off and not as accurate as it could be.
not nearly as accurate
Effiency if the server is any good at all. Worked out from the KDR obviously.
Hectic Glenn said:
Effiency if the server is any good at all. Worked out from the KDR obviously.


unless there are better ways

which there are