How are you?


Walking round in women's underwear
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
In this thread we shall discuss life.

Things are really taking off for me now. I'm off to college on Monday for my induction and the following week I start my courses (iMedia, which is game-design mostly and Applied ICT). I'm not sure what it's going to be like and my main concern is meeting new people. It's life, I know but I'm not that good at meeting new people. D: I'm getting an evening job on a Sunday as well at WHSmith. It should be alright for a bit of cash so I can start buying my own games and stuff (more specifically the Orange box. :) ).

During the rest of the year I'm going to keep working on maps for my portfolio and once I've got a decent amount of work I can start advertising myself and do some freelance work for more monies. That should be my first venture into the games industry. :D

So, how are the rest of you?​

  • I just got back from Spain
  • I have much cheap booze
  • I'm off to uni in around 3 weeks time
  • I'm partially erect right now.
My mind is being slowly taken away from me by, other then that, i'm fine.

I have three eyes. I see all.

Three eyes? Well i have 11 fingers. I type faster than you.
I'm living away from ma & pa as of last week, I just started Uni and a girl who now lives little over a hundred miles away from me likes me.

Life is good, but complicated.
How I are?

I are veggies. I are eets ur famileez. I are hungry for fleshy goodness...


I are raise army. I are veggies, what do you do?

Seriously though, I'm pretty shitty... My father will be back here from SC with his 60 y/o slut of a GF (And he's 40 y/o) and I have to spend the rest of the day with them. -.-
I removed my braces two days ago, and started uni yesterday. Life's pretty good ATM, although that can change quickly.
Fine, probably giong to persuade my dad to let me buy something on ebay.

Can't with for a credit card or something(with controlled withdrawal of $100 in 6mnths).

My acadaemic grades arent all that well. not doing well for my math. AND GOT A F*CKING B GRADE FOR SCIENCE CUZ MY F*CKING SCIENCE DOESNT KNOW HOW TO OPEN A FILE ON A THUMB DRIVE.
I've read something as epic as the Sandman, but in a webcomic format.
I'm good, listening to some football on the radio :D

Changing my contract at work :D

Going away with the missus on Monday for a few days :E

Life is good :E
Life's good. On Friday I passed my practical driving test first time, after driving only 2 months (I am that awesome), going to uni on the 24th to Glamorgan, meet new people etc.

It's all good in the hood.

Dekky in Glamorgan :D

Which campus?
Tired, working to much, thur-sun 10pm-4am.

Starting college again on Thursday, before that I have to buy a new wardrobe for autumn, we have a formal dress code so I'll be buying a few shirts/trousers, a brown pull, a grey cardigan, probably a tie and perhaps a new coat and scarf. Will be fun.

Might pull some drunk girl at work tonight, gonna need something to liven me up.

Dekky in Glamorgan :D

Which campus?
I'll be staying in Glamorgan Court (I has an en suite room :D). Gonna be doing Creative and Professional writing.
Pretty good. I'm stressed out because I don't know what I want to do about college. I also just started dating my first girlfriend. I probably should have started earlier, but I'm really happy with it right now.
I'm starting Senior year next Wednesday which is wholly exciting. What isn't is the idea of college and continuing on with my life. The past month has been pure college talk, and it's overwhelming. The thought of leaving all that I've known to go some place else for four years is stunningly scary. The colleges I'm looking at are only one or two hours away, but still. I know everything will turn out just fine; the thought of everything depresses me some how.
Pretty good. I'm stressed out because I don't know what I want to do about college. I also just started dating my first girlfriend. I probably should have started earlier, but I'm really happy with it right now.
What is it about college that you're conflicted in?

I'm starting Senior year next Wednesday which is wholly exciting. What isn't is the idea of college and continuing on with my life. The past month has been pure college talk, and it's overwhelming. The thought of leaving all that I've known to go some place else for four years is stunningly scary. The colleges I'm looking at are only one or two hours away, but still. I know everything will turn out just fine; the thought of everything depresses me some how.

You essentially just articulated a lot of the things that myself and everyone my age I know was being mentally tortured over recently, particularly this summer. First, senior year takes an abominably long time, so you're still far from the entire final period where you get the moments that you're sitting in your house and you realize that you won't be a permanent resident there but for a few more weeks.

Trust me on this one: college is the best thing that's ever happened to you. It's daunting as christ, but once you actually get here, it's beyond awesome. I know you'll still be nervous and frightened and sad about it to some extent until you're actually in college a year from now, but just trust me (and BHC and everyone else on here my age who's going through this right now) when I say that it turns out perfectly alright.
I absolutely cannot wait to go to Uni, I'm getting very bored of the limitations of living at home.
I did Imedia and Applied ICT. Both great fun :D Lot of work for applied though :)

I'm moving into uni in 2 weeks :D
I moved in about two weeks ago (actually, two weeks ago exactly, today). I'm loving every second of it. Also, I get over 2mbps upload on torrents here, and around 500kbps down.
You yanks are lucky to get a place to live automatically when you start college. I have to live at home for at least six months as it's next to impossible to find a place to live in any of the major university cities. That's a bitch.
Bah, I'm living in one of the major cities and study at a Uni here, so I live at home. While it has it's advantages, I sometimes wish I lived on my own.
I have two months work of art coursework to do in the next 3 days and tonight. Cursed procastrination! Alas, I'm ploughing on with it now with the new Modest Mouse TV and with nothing special to wake up for over the next 3 days I don't need to worry about getting a proper nights sleep, as I foresee myself working quite early into the morning later on.
What is Modest Mouse TV?

I took up painting lessons. I plan on learning fast to earn teh mun-munz and buy me some clothes :D I also made a flyer for a girls? school to invite them to an audition for them to sing, so I can get one of them into a band.

Hesitation occurs though.
Whooops, Modest Mouse CD. :o
I have two months work of art coursework to do in the next 3 days and tonight. Cursed procastrination! Alas, I'm ploughing on with it now with the new Modest Mouse TV and with nothing special to wake up for over the next 3 days I don't need to worry about getting a proper nights sleep, as I foresee myself working quite early into the morning later on.

God I hate procrastination.
Art A level coursework... hehehe that means nothing

That's funny, because I've been offered several places for a foundation course for my AS coursework alone, which is, what, 3 units of work I didn't even enjoy. Plus the fact that if it gets me an A level then it quite obviously means something. :|
It means easy UCAS points, I was always envious of the art students... my year 10 art teacher practically begged me to take it for GCSE... does make me ponder as to whether I should've stuck it out into A level.
I'm not doing it to pass or fail to be honest, be it easy or hard. Obviously passing is the win-win path which I'm going for, but it's just a fun class and I like drawing/have always enjoyed taking art throughout my school years. And yeah, if it gets me the UCAS points, and the A level, then I really don't see what's pointless about it. Everything I do gets added to my portfolio so again, it's win-win.