How big is HL2 - Episode Two?


Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Hey people. I am thinking of buying HL2 - Episode Two, but I was wondering how big (File size) it is. I already have: Half Life 1 + 2, and I also already have Half Life 2 - Episode 1. I am getting it from Steam ofcourse. :smoking:

My internet speed is 40 KB/s (It's broken kinda :frown: :frown: ). So I hope the size is small :O :(
I already have HL1, HL2, and episode 1... So will this make the size of episode two smaller?
According to my colleague AciD, the Episode 2 .gcf and the Source 2007 .gcf come to 4.6GB. So that is the size of Ep2 on its own (without details from HL2 and Ep1).

So still fairly large. You could buy the 'Orange Box' retail which has Episode 2 on it (will cost a bit more) but means you'll get most of that 4.6GB straight on DVD.

Your connection is going to be a problem as all Valve games require updating prior to playing, and Episode 2 has a handful of updates which Steam will need to automatically apply before you play.

p.s. If any of your friends have Ep2 installed on their PCs you can copy their .gcf files to a DVD or flash drive and drop them into your Steam folder. You'll still need to buy Ep2 from the Steam store but it would save you a lot of time!