how bout the athlon 64 3800+ x2?


Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
I have been planning to buy a single core 3700+, but I recently had the urge to spend the extra cash and go dual core. The dual core 3800+ is the only one that I am able to afford so please don't recommend that I buy a 4800+ or anything like that. I have been reading mixed reviews of the dual core 3800+ on Some people report stuttering in games and weird stuff like that. Does anybody have personal experience with this CPU? Would you recommend it?
if ur gonna go dual core go all the way and get the 4800. if not, just stil with the 3700 single core and save urself the cash.
The stuttering they are refering to is Windows managerment of 2 CPUs. Even if the program can only take advantage of 1 CPU it will be set within windows to run on both CPU 1 and CPU 2. What you can do is set it to work only on CPU 1 or CPU 2 that way it does not switch between and cause stuttering.

X2 3800+ is awesome. :)
so how fast soes a one of the single cpu's run? would one core in the X2 3800+ run as fast as a single core 3700+? Will Windows Vista be better with dual core? Most importantly, how do games run on the X2 3800+?
#1 running only a game or single program on it the faster clocked CPU will win. no matter if it's single or dual core because most programs are not multithreaded.

#2 the more programs that are running, whether the programs are running in windows or are running in the background, the single core cpu will slow down and take longer than the dual core because it is only 1 CPU.

If #2 is the case then Dual Core will make for smooth gaming. Most people dont shut down everything they can in task manager before running a game. Infact I have a number of things I turn on before running a gaming online.
buy the 3800x2 64 and over clock it 400$ cheaper, and quite easy to overclock to 4800 standards.
Dual core is useless for a regular computer user. Unless you work with massive amounts of 3D programs and rendering, it's just overkill. A 3700+ single core processor is more than enough.
either go with the 3800+ or the 4400+

both can be over clocked easily to the next step up, but the 4400+ will have twice as much l2 cache
I have an Athlon 64 X2 3800+ and all I can say is that it works really well.

My advice would be this: If you only have 1 or 2 programs opened at a time, go for single core, otherwise go for X2, as simple as that.
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If u cant afford a better dual core processor get the 3700+ san diego single core cpu instead.Beats the shit out of the 3800+ in every game benchmark and it practically performs the same when it comes to multitasking.