How can I do this?

May 15, 2003
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I'd like Windows to auto-close one program when another, specific .exe is run, and then re-open as soon as the other .exe has stopped running and exited.

The exes in question are ObjectDock.exe and hl2.exe - I'd also like the possibility of adding other processes to the auto-close and reopen list..

Any help appriciated.
I dont think its possible just like that, maybe with some self-developed software .>
It should but I think theres a prog that just scripts it for you..........or im full of bs.
batch files or some macro type program on the net.

or delete both then you wont have this problem.
the slash /nub command is the only one in my repriotiae.....jesus i seriously butchered french
@echo off
start /d "The file path" hl2.exe
start /d "THE FULL PATH of another application" blabla.exe
blabla on....

its a .bat file in case it did not workd change it to .cmd file extention (winXP sometimes doesn't like .bat on some systems)

Not working then take out the start /d and just leave the full path with the exe file


start "" "the full path to the file name and the .exe file" do include the "

ps there is a space between the full path and the .exe file for the first solution


did it work ?
ComradeBadger said:
Do I need to compile that? etc

And will it run automatically?

Just double click it :P and yes it will run auto
I mean do I need to save a text file with that with a .bat extension..


Moved :P
Use notepad to write it and save it.
If it's Text.txt right now then rename the last part to text.bat, for example.
Asus said:
Use notepad to write it and save it.
If it's Text.txt right now then rename the last part to text.bat, for example.

yeah but you can't save it to .txt then rename the last part to .bat

it won't work cause the image in your HD is .txt what you changing is just the name

MrBadger, all you need is to copy it to notpad and save as All file then name the file with the extention .bat or .cmd