How can people find allied AI annoying when they get in your way?


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
They are the kindest people in the world! They apologize, they say excuse me, they treat you so kindly! How can you get mad at them?
AI will always get in your way in tight enclosed spaces...just push C somewhere behind them, they go running, clearning your path! I never found anything to really complain about though...
It's not as bad as some people make it out to be.
Nice or not, they do get in your way AND they do not listen when you hit 'C'. You tell them to sit somewhere, and when you go off they say "Follow Freeman"--grrrr.

This is one of the few weaknesses of the game--and easily fixed. Valve just needs to make it so when you hit C they LISTEN. I do not want them following me into every room!

This is not the end of the world mind you... one of the few gripes I have with the game. I think Valve realised it, thus we get polite friends :) But still, when you get stuck because they are in your way and are getting fired at=frustrating.
Only gripe i had with the AI was how they stood staring at turrets as they got mowed down. DOH!
cyberpitz said:
AI will always get in your way in tight enclosed spaces...just push C somewhere behind them, they go running, clearning your path! I never found anything to really complain about though...

when i try that sometimes.
they say oke i hold down this spot wtf lol.
eh they were cannon fodder anyway. I used them more for distraction and taking fire for me than anything else.
as far as fighting along the AI, I found my romp with the Antlions a lot more satisfying... they just were a lot cooler.
Yeah, antlions >> people. In real life too, sometimes. It was annoying when the AI guys were like 'we'll follow Freeman!' and I'm thinking '... I don't know where the hell I'm going, stop following me!'. Changing the subject a little, can Barney be killed? I was using him to do all the hard work while I hid.
nope, none of the main characters can be killed, use him as your meat shield to your heart's content.
yeeh, antions are disposable

but it was nice having goons who could actually think for themselves, even if they couldnt fly into the air and hack the crap out of combine shooting you from above
Nah, I was never really annoyed with the NPCs. I was just glad to have some people to back me up. And in the dark scary places I always send them in first to check it out. :p
Mr. Redundant said:
as far as fighting along the AI, I found my romp with the Antlions a lot more satisfying... they just were a lot cooler.
Yeah the antlions were a lot of fun. It was nice to have unlimited spawning on my side for once! The climb up the cliff to Nova Prospekt and the assault on the outside defenses were some of the best parts of the game IMO.
Agreed. Being fully in control of a gigantic army of antlions over-riding a military base (with the exception of the occasional rowdy captain that needed to be put in it's place ;) ) was awesome. It felt like I was surfing right on the edge of an incoming tidal wave! Also the antlions weren't "individuals" and so you didn't care about them dying.

Watching the resistance fighters die was heart-wrenching, as they were really nice to you, and showed human qualities. After a while though, it got ok, as the death toll on your side rose to such a high number that the feeling of "you are in a full scale war and it's every man for himself" set in...
The aftermath of the first strider battle was an interesting emotional roller coaster... I spent a few minutes milling around the yard kicking myself for letting every single resistance fighter (with the exception of one lucky guy up on a roof somewhere) die, I slowly meandered off, forcing myself to push on, to keep fighting, trying to work out who had really won that, considering that everybody died... I jump down into a highway and then BOOM this strider comes down and starts chasing me! Just how much we had lost in the courtyard suddenly became very clear to me when I realised that there were more of those things wandering about, and that the war was far from over.... Valve wanted to get people emotionally hooked.... And damn, did they do a good job at it!!!
valve makes it so u can shoot anyTHING and it reacts....what about ANYONE, i wanna shoot everything, even if it makes me fail and i gotta reload my last checkpoint if i shoot someone who needs to be alive for what is about to happen, someimes i wanna just shoot those AI who block me. Only chance i got to shoot an AI, was rigth when u get off the train in the beginning u turn on noclip and go below the level, u can see a small room u go to it and it has Dr. Breen talking, u can shoot him. Or u can shoot him if u get all the guns when ur teleportation messes up and when u see him u can shoot him and kill him and it stops the game and u sit in his office forever ehe.....god this games awesome still so ill just shutup and not complain :)
Well you can kill your own antlions if they ever get stuck anywhere ;)

And grenades seem to hurt allies too... I once accidently lobbed one near an ally, he ran off, it exploded, and then he cried out "I'm hurt!"

Though I think it's better than you can't shoot your allies, it has the dual effect of both stopping people from crowbarring them in the head to get free ammo like they used to do to Barney (which defeats the point of making them likeable in the first place if you are going to kill them yourself), and it means that an ally running infront of you and dying isn't going to to turn a squad of 4 resistance fighters, barney and dog on you all at once. Plus how on earth could you explain resistance fighters shooting their own "Messiah", or Barney shooting his long time friend from way back? It just wouldn't make any sense at all to have them shooting Gordon, nor would it make any sense for humans to just sit there and watch you brutally and heartlessly murder their friends and family without moving a muscle... Best solution? Make such a thing impossible, for the sake of gameplay :)
I found the NPC A.I. very good.

The combine A.I., however was a let down. Still, it was good.
ShinRa said:
They are the kindest people in the world! They apologize, they say excuse me, they treat you so kindly! How can you get mad at them?

Didn't knew the antlions could speak :p

Anyway both antlions and friendly humans sometimes you get you really stuck in a room and the "c" button didn;t always work for me.

They never apologized when they were locking me up, only whan i ran hard into em ;)
All I remember is back in the days of anticipation, I was told that the AI in this game would be groundbreaking as "they fight and learn along side with you in battle"

Yeah Right!
I felt sorry for the poor antlions as they got mowed down in the courtyard of Nova Prospekt :D
Yeah thats what i taught too...atelast they apologize..