How chocolate milk was born.


Companion Cube
Aug 21, 2004
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How chocolate milk was born

A long time ago in a faraway land, there exsisted a savage ruler. The monstrous lord bunny of Esternia. His strength was only matched by his lust for mineral eggs.

Forced to gather these eggs were the Fairy People. Deep within the mines they dug with thier bare hands and feet searching for them.

Until one day they could take no more and rose up against the bunny overlord. Having no guns to fight with, they ripped out their own teeth and bombarded the enemy.

The bunny slain, his chocolate blood flowed into the river of milk.

The faries did drink the blood and rejoiced and chocolate milk was born.

Centeries afterwards the faires would collect dicarded teeth should the bunny ever return...
I always thought chocolate came from brown and black cows? Thanks for crushing my feeble childhood perceptions!
I heard this really interesting story, that the pre-mixed chocolate milk you buy in stores comes from cows who's udders have been overworked by all the hormones, hemoraged, and they bled into the milk supply.

I've since been assured by my uncle (a farmer) that it is not true.

Still, I thought I'd share. :thumbs:
Chocolate milk powder is actually the ashes of dead chocolate milk cows.