How complex is modding HL2 code?


Apr 28, 2004
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I have begun on the long road of learning C++, but I now realise just how long the road is, so I was wondering, at what point down the road will I be able to begin making modifications. I'm just talking editing weapon stats and basic things like that, not writing shaders :)

Basically, my method is to learn and do, learn and do, and atm, i am stuck into macking programs that have no real point. What I would like would to be able to mod HL2, starting with simple things like weapon stats, and move on from there. So anyone give me a rough idea of how much I need to know before I look at the SDK without scaring myself?
Once you understand pointers, functions and classes you should be able to start making some mods. You can do things like edit Values (RPG Speed as in the example) straight away, but a understanding classes will allow you to make more complex things. Just keep looking at code people post on the coding forum until you can understand it :)
I find it very easy to understand.
To do so you would need advanced knowledge in C++ and a some experience in writing code and being able to read and understand what's happening.

To me it's like reading a good book.
Don't put him off with phrases like "advanced knowledge" :)

Some stuff is complex, but theres plenty of easy stuff to work on while you learn :)
I have a lot to learn regarding coding as well..
However, it seems with the changing nature of these programs, with stats for items being menu driven, and triggers/input/outputs allowing a more intuitive/in game capability to create complex events, I'm not convinced coding is necessary. And tools made by coders seem to fill in the gaps. But I imagine someone will explain to me why coding is necessary, and i'll listen, cause after all i'm a newbie=)
And even if it's not required it's good to know. Knowledge is power! :cat:
I have a little more than 2 years of experience in Java and C#, I was wondering how hard do you think it would be for me to pick up on C++ as I have never really looked into it that much?
Anyone can learn c++ - simple as that. Some may learn faster - if you know another language(any - even BASIC), it will be much easier to learn.

Anyone may be able to learn C++, but not all can master it.

**To poly - escaping from coding in almost any situation is inevitable. It is truly impossible to create any professional product without coding(someone wanna try to prove me wrong? :D)
ma3a said:
I have a little more than 2 years of experience in Java and C#, I was wondering how hard do you think it would be for me to pick up on C++ as I have never really looked into it that much?

You should have no problems picking up C++.
You should pick up all the basic and advanced concepts within a day or two.