How cool is terraforming?


Oct 3, 2003
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Like most people, i have a hardon for terraforming. Whenever i see a vast dry land, i get obssessed with the idea of running pipes into it, flooding it with water. Plants growing, frogs ****ing and shit.


Here is concept art demonstrating the end result of terraforming a non-existant desert planet into a lush paradise where perfect women of asian appearance walk around all day.
Vestri tounge , gentilitas , vadum exsisto incidere sicco vestri os quod vexo absentis. Vestri nequam acts obviam Deus quod vis vadum exsisto forever memor , tamen nunquam venia. Pro vadum vos exuro in abyssus! In abyssus Inquam! In abyssus! Operor non rudimentum ludo Deus! Reluctor Diabolus traho! reluctor!
Oh shit...there's only one thing to do now.


Holy ****ing shit!
I thought the terraforming in Firefly was aawesome. But the science and energy required behind it is much too great to even consider it at the moment.

I think there was a film where they attempted to put algae on Mars or something... Red Planet or Mission to Mars or something similar.
Terraforming. Transforming a dead planet such as mars into a habitable planet like our own earth :p
You little kids and your fantasy worlds. Don't you know that we will never leave this barren rock? The stars: a promise of a greater life, forever dangling beyond our fingertips. We're doomed to this arid desert, with only the wind to sing our last dirge.

I call bullshit.
Maybe when China goes to the moon in 2020 they'll terraform it into a giant coal factory.
All this thread did was remind me that Spore is never going to come out.. DAMN IT! Looked so promising, too...

Terraforming would be sweet. Might give people a bit of a God complex, though.
Maybe when China goes to the moon in 2020 they'll terraform it into a giant coal factory.

I doubt something the moons size could be terraformed stably. I mean, mars might be stable for say, a few million years, but the moons climate would collapse quickly cause its so small.
Terraforming would take thousands of years anyway. Its one thing to make the world habitable, but hospital? It would take millenia for the soil to be confrotable to life on say, mars for example, even if the climate was perfect.
No, you need volcanoes for that...
But then again, hmmm...
Personally I prefer hab structures to out right terraforming. With our current tech we could make hab structures on mars, but we couldn't terraform any of them.
Well, judging by the latest screens I saw, I wasn't buying it anyways.

Yeah, last time I checked the game out they had changed a lot with it. Now it looks a lot more cartoony and childish than it did before, and they also cut the under water portion of the game out which sucks.
Spore isn't coming out?
Looked to be going the way of Starcraft: Ghost to me. It was all hyped a couple years ago and then pretty much fell off the face of the Earth. I pretty much just gave up all hope for it. But I guess it's supposedly coming out spring 2008. I'll believe it when I see it.

Terraforming would be totally awesome, except thats its so incredibly dificult it won't happen for a very long time...:(

In the mean time read the Dune series
With current technology, it would take hundreds of thousands of years to terraform mars.

But here we're making predictions of a 23rd century problem based on 21st century ideals. It might very well be that 200 years from now (when terraforming is likely to begin), we might have substantially better technology and substantially better techniques. Imagine, for instance, someone from 1807 trying to build a space station with contemporary technology. That is about the level we are at trying to tackle the seemingly insurmountable task of terraforming a planet.

But say, for instance, sometime within the next few centuries we discover extremely efficient solar arrays, make nano-robots, or develop nuclear fusion. There may be unheard of technologies that are commonplace in a few centuries time. Say, for instance, someone in the future develops a nanorobot that converts CO2 into O2 and carbon compounds, or which can automatically eat through the dust of Mars and produce water vapor from it. Such unheard of technologies could greatly increase the speed of terraforming, and might quite possibly lead to the terraforming of Mars over a period of a few centuries, rather than millenia.

One thing is sure, though. Nobody alive today will see a blue Mars, and neither will our children to our great-grandchildren, but if all goes well, somebody a few hundred years from now could be living on Mars as if it were a second Earth.
or develop nuclear fusion

Not so advanced. It's currently been done. Just a matter of making it efficient enough to actually gain energy from it.

Fact is, we're advancing faster than we ever have done before, and the technological advances we make are simply making us even faster. Especially as the world of science is becoming supremely popular. It seriously won't be longer before some of those technologies you mentioned will become a reality.
Right now we live in a world whose actions are almost wholly determined by dollars and pence, and terraforming a planet (such as Mars) would be a costly exercise (rather than impossible) with little perceivable reward in terms of quarterly returns from the offset to justify the investment & expense. I'm not saying it won't happen, but you can't remove the economics from the situation.
That's why Star Trek makes things possible. Monetary systems are old hat by then :D
I wonder if a Technocracy wouldn't be better...

Not so advanced. It's currently been done. Just a matter of making it efficient enough to actually gain energy from it.

Fact is, we're advancing faster than we ever have done before, and the technological advances we make are simply making us even faster. Especially as the world of science is becoming supremely popular. It seriously won't be longer before some of those technologies you mentioned will become a reality.

Technological singularity? OH SHI-
Not so advanced. It's currently been done. Just a matter of making it efficient enough to actually gain energy from it.

Fact is, we're advancing faster than we ever have done before, and the technological advances we make are simply making us even faster. Especially as the world of science is becoming supremely popular. It seriously won't be longer before some of those technologies you mentioned will become a reality.

