How did you find out about half-life?


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
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Hm? I first learnt of it from my friend, he played Counter-Strike. So, obviously, I wanted to get Counter-Strike too. So, I bought the holiday.. or whatever bronze or something edition that came with HL, HL2, CS:S, and some other smaller games. Woohoo. I played CS:S mostly. Later on, though, I started playing HL2 and had fun. Got stuck on Route Kanal (Wtf?) Got pissed off and stopped. A year or so later, I started again and got pissed at ravenholm, as many of you know as my first post here... you might be able to find it by googling mah name.
I wake up from my night of slumber, cursing under my breath about having to go to school. I clamber out of my bed, the floor cool from the night. I walk towards the bathroom, ready to start my day with a warm shower. I pass by my fathers computer, where he was playing some game. I hear him grunt a little bit, as he was attempting to kill somebody with a crossbow, or so it seemed. He walks up some stairs, strafes to the right, and pegs the enemy in the chest with the arrow, sending the enemy falling to the ground, lifeless. The second I watched that, I knew I had to own this game.

My father was playing Half-life, on the map "Bootcamp" and the enemy was in that "sniper" spot with the satchel charges and the HEV charger down the ladder. Yeah, that game was awesome. The funny thing is, he had a pirated copy, with a fake key, that he is using to this day to play Counter-Strike via Steam. I lol'd.
I read some very positive previews back in 1998. So I went to the shop on the day of release and bought me a copy. It had just arrived and they even had to search for it because the boxes that came in that day hadn't been unpacked yet. It didn't take long for me to discover that this was the best game I'd ever played.
I read a walkthrough in PC Gamer.

Yeah, it's kind of sad, my first Half-Life experience was reading a Half-Life 2 walkthrough, spoiling the entire game.
I can't actually remember. I played DoD for a while before i got it, and i wanted to get CSS as well. It was coming out soon and then i noticed it was packaged with a game called Half-Life 2, which got some damn good reviews. A long time later i bought the game (with CSS(which i have played for about 3 hours to date)) and discovered the joy of HL2.

At least i think that's how it goes.
I vaguely remember my husband playing HL2 a long time ago. He went on and on about how I should play it and how cool it was, until finally one day he sat me down at the computer and forced me to play. I was hooked by the Alyx teleporting sequence, and my hubby still has never beaten the game. I kinda took it over. :p
Picked it up on a shelf at Wal-Mart. It claimed it's AI was great, and I was tired of crappy AI in games so I tried it out.
I heard about Half-Life back in 98 (from a video game magazine called Level), one month before the release. I had a S3 Virge, and it wasn't able to run most of the video games (like SiN), except the big one. I was shocked when I saw the tram ride.
I was at my mom's friend's house, and he was playing it with his kids and I played with them and then I bought it a month after and it was automatically my favorite game.
I kept seeing it on shelves (never reading about it anywhere else) and kept thinking it would be lame because the covers were mug shots of, well, generic looking people: a "guy with beard", a soldier, and a rent-a-cop. Who wants to play that? But... I kept seeing online that it won zillions of game of the year awards and upon asking my friend about it, bought it (the kit with HL, OF, BS, TF, and CS). I'm SO glad I had no idea what I was in for when playing it - most epic memories of video games ever.
Saw the demo being advertised on Gamespot and since I just got my new PC I wanted to see how it would handle a game like Half-Life 2. A few minutes of playing Ravenholme and I was hooked.
I got in on it kind of early. I had only just got a PC so I bought a games mag checking out what was new to buy, and I saw this recently reviewed game getting all kinds of praise - HL1. The screenshot was one of those mock-ups like they had on the back of the box, with a marine holding up a scientist by the throat, but that, along with the description of 'RPG-like elements' was enough to tip the balance and make me buy it. Shaped my whole PC-gaming life.
I actually played the games in the correct order. I played the demo first, than the actual game. Then I gave up for six years after getting stuck in the office section and only replayed through it after I played HL2.

Though I'm still sad the Gargantua killed all my friends in Uplink. :(
A few of my friends had been playing it for quite away. Probably about 6 months. They had all told me how great it was, and because of that, I didn't want to ruin it by playing it on my out of date system. I decided to wait until I could upgrade my video card. But alas, it is hard for a high school student to save the cash to buy a top of the line....Voodoo3 2000! :D

I finally broke down and played it on my Riva 128. I barely ate for the next few days.
I got hooked on the HL franchise when I saw a trailer for HL2. It wasn't really much of a trailer, it was basically some bits of Point Insertion with some fx added. But it looked so damn cool compared to other games out. I bought HL2 when it first came out, then went and bought HL Platinum Ed.
I first played Half-Life in 2000, two years after it had been released. College roommate played CS and got me hooked. Needed HL installed to play the mod and it was then that I played Half-Life. Wasn't until the HL2 pack with the back catalog that I played OF and BS.

Buying Valve games has been the best value. $20 for HL, mods free including ones now owned by Valve, ATI coupon plus $10 for HL2 silver package (CSS+HL2DM+DODS+back catalog), $20 EP1, $45 EP2,TF2,Portal. Spent less than $100 for tons of games and years of fun.
I first learned about Half-life a few years after it came out. My sister and I were accompanying out parents to the house of some family friends who had a son that had been friends with my sister since who knows when.

He was a scraggly haired, bearded teenage with a computer.

He first showed my sister and I Warcraft II (mainly to show us the funny things people say after you click them too much) and then he showed us Half-life. He loved how it got every detail of everything. Those robots working down below as you ride in on the tram amazed me, they seemed as though they served a purpose there. You could do anything it seemed, you could press buttons at the security desk and people would tell you not too and address you by name. It also seemed extremely frightening, when you teleport around Xen during the Resonance cascade and when you have to run past a bull squid (or was it a headcrab). The last thing he showed us was the first weapon- The Crowbar, and he left us with that.

It would take almost a decade for me to return to Half-life.
I found out about it after going round my friends hows who was playing on Quake 2 CTF. He said he had bought a new game (Half-life) but he didnt really like the look of it so he said i could have it, so i went home and installed it on my p75 packard-bell with 40mb of ram and a 2mb cirrus log graphics card :O

and shrunk the screen a bit.. then played it and loved it. Shortly after i got a new pc and then played TFC for ages, and the rest as they say, was history.
I won Half-Life and Counter Strike in a library lucky draw and have loved the series ever since.
I discovered HL1 By accident. My Freind always lends me PS2 games, and It just so happened the the wrong game was in the wrong case [he never checks] and HL1 was in the case instead of the game that was supposed to be in (I cant remember it now). I Took it back w/out even trying it for some reason. Then, when the orange box came out, I bought an old PC copy of a car boot sale, which I had to play over again 'cos it glitched.
The original Half-Life! :D

Yeah baby, I've been with it from '98!

Played the demo - Uplink. Was awesome. Dad bought the game (I was like 8 or something (as it was 10 years ago :p)), then bought the expansion packs. Was teh sex. Waited like hell for HL2. Bought it with meh own money :D.

And voila, I is here today
I made a friend in school who showed me Counter-Strike. I got hooked and he told me I needed to pick up Half-Life, which I gradually became more and more interested in.

I one day downloaded the Uplink demo and fell in love with it. Everything just seemed so perfect. I finished it one night while playing with another friend and we both screamed in terror when the gargantua came bursting through the walls at the end. I think that pretty much assured my eventual purchase within the next few months.
And the g-man... ever present even in the forbidden demo...
I played counter strike from a cd my friend gave me,and he sad i need to install half life first,so i eventualy got bored with CS so i tried half life.I liked it,finished it,and a year later the sequel came out,and its the best game i ever played.both me and the cd-s lived happily ever after...or so it seemed...
I played counter strike from a cd my friend gave me,and he sad i need to install half life first,so i eventualy got bored with CS so i tried half life.I liked it,finished it,and a year later the sequel came out,and its the best game i ever played.both me and the cd-s lived happily ever after...or so it seemed...

*DVDs :p
When I was at Uni a friend of mine bought HL but lent it to me because he was waiting to upgrade his PC so he could play it in a decent resolution and I played through it over a long weekend in crap-o-resolution software rendering mode (graphics cardss were only just appearing). After the weekend he popped around to see how it was and I vividly recall sitting there pretty wired after the experience going 'Dude, OMFG, forget the upgrade you have to play this now...!!!!' :D
First got the halflife2 demo.. Was hooked on it until i was done. Soon i forogt about halflife. At that time i was say 8 around 2002.

Then in 2005, i went to a friends place somewhere in malaysia. Kuching to be exact. He had sven co-op and was a modder for both halflife and CnC Tibsun. He showed me a few of his halflife maps and the models hes made and the map creator (Which up to this day i cannot find. He didnt use hammer) and i was awetruck and remember about Halflife. When i got back, I made my way ASAP to a large IT shop and got a copy of Halflife Platinum Collection containing Halflife, Opfor, Blue Shift, TFC and CS.

Became my favourite game. Then i got halflife2, came on the forums while seeking help on skins and stuff. End
My clan had moved from Battlefield 2 to CSS...I had never heard of it, had no my clan leader bought me a copy of HL2 and mailed it to me...Ive been in love since..of course I paid him back as soon as I could :)
Neighbors, '98. Quake before that, so HL1 was incredible. Its like someone turned on their brain and thought, 'Gee lets make an FPS with a plot and character development thats really really fun to play....'. Everything else was a pale shadow in comparison.
my uncle bought the game and started playing it one night, it was all dark and the tram ride was spooky as hell and the game was amazing so i just loved it and became an hl fan.
My dad works as a software developer (he used to be one of the coders but he's now more of a manager) and he and his team at work would play Unreal and HLDM together on their breaks. I went in a few times and played with them.
I watched my dad play HL1 back in 1998, after he finished I started playing it as well, probably played it over 15 times and made a couple maps, which were crap when I look at them now. Never played counter strike though since I was on dial up. I don't even think I ever heard of it until a couple years after I first played HL1.
I watched my dad play HL1 back in 1998, after he finished I started playing it as well, probably played it over 15 times and made a couple maps, which were crap when I look at them now. Never played counter strike though since I was on dial up. I don't even think I ever heard of it until a couple years after I first played HL1.

Sounds just like my life :p. I was more of a tac ops/ut guy then cs
Review in PC Zone #71 (I even remember the issue number. Sad sad sad!) > New PC With Demo installed > Main birthday present, September 1999.

Not much time to wait until Opposing Force showed itself either. I played both games plenty of times, and it was still a favorite when I finally got the internet in 2001, dabbling in CS and TFC, but especially drawn to Science & Industry for some reason. I think I always liked the 'crazy scientist' angle to Half-Life, and S&I built upon that. I'd love to see a Team Fortress 2 style S&I sequel. That would rock.
I had an ex who nagged me constantly about playing Half-Life 2, and eventually I gave in and tried it. I would never have known about it otherwise because the box never grabbed my attention on the shelf and I never saw it advertised anywhere. Now I'm horribly addicted and I'm glad I gave it a shot. I've since gone back and played the original as well.
a friend of my dad introduces the game to him.....said it's the game of the dad says no thanks....i said...give it to me!!!!:dork: