How do I adjust the CPU Volatge?


Jan 11, 2004
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I have a Shuttle AN35N-Ultra mono and the I just updated my bios. It still will not le me change the CPU volatage, yet in the manual it explains is so simplistically...
Is there a setting for "Manual'?
Generally if it is set as 'Auto' then you cannot change settings although if you change it to 'Manual' then it will let you. That is how most boards set it up.
Ill go look now - you have a ns7 v1 or 2?
k I did it! I get 80.11 FPS inthe stress test now versus 60.55. I'm getting a new CPU heatsink/fan tomorrow morning @ Fry's, and a new fan for my 9800 Pro so it can go to XT speeds.

/Me shuts comp down before it explodes.
Argh, even though youve done it.

You clicked user defined, then the voltage thing...nm now ;p
What`s the reccomended cpu voltage, for gaming use?

I have a P4 2.8 ghz HTT on an Abit IC7-G.
changing the voltage doesn't affect performance, only stability (as far as i know).