How do I connect a SATA and IDE?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
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I want to use the SATA as primary and the IDE as the slave. How do I go about connecting them?
Is there a reason you want to connect a SATA drive to the IDE bus (You'd need an adapter)? Do you not have a SATA connection on the board? FYI There is no Master/Slave with SATA.
I think you can get adaptors, however, that convert between the two types.

-Angry Lawyer
Is there a reason you want to connect a SATA drive to the IDE bus (You'd need an adapter)? Do you not have a SATA connection on the board? FYI There is no Master/Slave with SATA.
Let me explain my situation. Previously I had an IDE HDD that died. I then purchased a SATA and have been running it for 3-4 months. I froze my IDE HDD last night, and to my surprise, it works again.

I actually want to know how to connect both drives, but I want the SATA to be ran as the main drive sort of like a master.
In my pc my main HDD is sata and I have it connected directly to the mobo no prob. My 2nd HDD is an IDE and It's in no way connected to the SATA drive and is directly connected to the mobo as well, nothing else really as long as your SATA is already the main drive it should be fine, and the IDE should have the thingies in the back (dont know what they're called) set to slave formation (for mine it's two black connect the dot things, you just pull them out and rearrange them to slave formation)
SATA and IDE are seperate types. Just connect them and you dont have to fddle with any master/slave settings.
ide will default to primary. ive done this same thing before. just set your ide to be slave and just plug the sata in and it will work.
If you plan to install windows on the SATA drive, the simplest thing to do would be to disconnect your other drives until you are finished. There is an option in my bios to set the order or priority of hard drives only but it is separate from the boot order list (hard drive, CD-Rom, etc). It just shows the drives and I think it's in a sub menu. Not sure about your bios.

Master/Slave is only to let the PC know which drive it needs to talk to if they are sharing the same IDE cable. It doesn't set any kind of priority.