How do I convince her...

What should I do next?

  • Tell the teacher(You serious?)

    Votes: 19 31.7%
  • Yak about me not talking about her

    Votes: 1 1.7%

    Votes: 6 10.0%
  • Yell at her

    Votes: 18 30.0%
  • Ignore her?

    Votes: 16 26.7%

  • Total voters
Jun 30, 2003
Reaction score
That me and my friend weren't talking about her.
'K, this is what happened.
In Math 8, everyone was working silently, then my friend whispered to me and pointed out that the girl behind the girl next to me had a teacher's version of the textbook(with all the answers and etc...) Then, later on, she asked my friend what were we talking about. My friend said that she had a teacher's textbook.They wouldn't believe us, they thought it was waaayyyyyyy worse. So me and my friend was like," Hunh? Why dosn't she believe us." Then after school, some girls jumped him(I was at my locker) and they were like," What were you talking about? You suck!" Then today, the girl went up to us and said," If you talk about me again, I'll hit you" Then gave us some sort of snare.
I told her we didn't say anything mean, but noooo, she didn't believe us then. What should I say?
How to convince her...Well, the next time you see her - simply punch her square in the throat. That'll fix her wagon. =)
Whatever the decision, always keep in mind that it's not that hard to get rid of a body!
Originally posted by Xtasy0
wheres the "show her my pimp hand is way strong" option?

I'd have to agree with Xtasy0. Tell her "Don't sing it, Bring it!"
Tell the teacher, watch her get seriously ****ed over and not be able to do anything about it.
Ok, well I had stuff about verbally attacking her, but I know how impressionable you young folk are so I amend myself, rofl.. just tell on her.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
wheres the "show her my pimp hand is way strong" option?

or...tell her that you think she has really nice tits and you'd like to grab them. You'll get the same reaction-ish...
LOL boys vs. girls

It seems so bizzare now

PS. You never, ever tell the teacher anything. Doesn't matter if it's some stupid girl or the guy who beats you up at lunch. It's the unspoken code of respect among students.
Piss her off verbally so she hits you, right before she does say something like:

"No, lets please stop fighting"

and take the hit, tell the principal, have her expelled and sent to juvinile hall.

Meh, its worth a try.
try not being 13..

lol jp, uh how about telling her to **** off. wtf, since when do bitches threaten and jump guys?
LOL I wouldn't mind being jumped by a bunch of girls now that I think about it :)
Originally posted by LoneDeranger
LOL I wouldn't mind being jumped by a bunch of girls now that I think about it :)

Unless they were 530 pounds and had such ugly faces they would make hell evacuate...

But yeah, being jumped by girls? wtf, I was more scared when this guy from afghanistan threatened to kill me and none of the teachers would belive me back in the day.
Say "If you dont stop being a meanie, ima tell the teacher, you poopie face" while proceeding to stick your tongue out.
I think we all know that their is only 1 thing you can do. Next time she talks to you tell her how hot she looks when she is angry and see what her reaction is.
| He's right man, even though I think she's kinda cute, not the
| way to go:|
Originally posted by Solid_Raiden
Just snitch on her about Math. Cheaters don't get anywhere in life.
what world do you live in?

edit: oh yea youre 12 or somethin..
Yes but if he hits on her enough, she will either completely avoid him or like it. Sounds like a win win situation if you ask me. That is of course unless she is ugly. Then you move on to plan 2.

Plan 2- the next time she walks up to you looking all angry, you think fast and grab a sharp object. When she gets within about 2 or 3 feet you jam the sharp object through your arm and screem. Or kick her in the shin, one or the other.

But where do you live anyways? When I was your age I never had a problem being threatened by girls.
I'm not being threatened by girls. Just someone mistunderstanding and harassing us.
Tell on her. Watch as her life goes down the drain and laugh, because you caused it. :D
Oh, good old harrassing. Well then, just find a time when you can talk to her alone. And just apologize. Something along the lines of " I'm sorry, but there must have been a misunderstanding. I wasn't talking about you in math class (I think it was math you said). If you would like I could make it up to you by treating you to a movie some time". Huh huh, pretty good eh. Kill 2 birds with one stone there. You apologize and ask her out all at the same time.
Originally posted by pat_thetic
Tell on her. Watch as her life goes down the drain and laugh, because you caused it. :D

Omg, kinda like hacking into IBM and destroying prototypes!?
:afro:Tell her to slide a mile, six inches at a time.:afro:

NOTE: Replace six with the appropriate amount of inches the bitch could slide on your phallus. I was just giving the average size. At 13 you might be much larger...... no wait I think I've got that all wrong.
Let me get this striaght... your friend got jumped by some little 13 yearold girl!??!

You must be the biggest pussies ever....

Oh yeah, and my responce would be (it wasn't on the polls):

"Shut the hell up!"
Blackmail her for some underage love, you get a girlfriend and answers to your math work!
once again I typed out a bunch of mess, but once again I don't wont him doing it and being like while this guy on the internet told me to do it and then I'm gonna get sued and mess so just tell her your going to tell on her if she doesn't drop it
Aeth, that didn't make a whole lotta sense.

And I would reccomend not listening to Aeth, because seriously, you will never live it down. You tattle on a girl for threatning you? Handle it like a man and slap that biznatch and show her who is boss.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
wheres the "show her my pimp hand is way strong" option?

lol what a classic! :LOL:

i do like D33's idea too about screwing her over..
cheaters never win! or never should win..

quite a funny thread.. i love some of the responses :LOL:

well.. ya know.. blackmailin for some underage lovin ain't bad deal :naughty: lol