how do i macro


Jun 5, 2008
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so i'm sure your all familier with my other thread about the look up and down problem in half life source and episode 1. well in that thread someone game me a command that works to solve the problem with the keys enabling keyboard look. however this disables the mouse look. now dispite mainly using the keyboard to play i do use the mouse to do tricky shots like snipeing. this is posible with the looking and turning keys but it's not as efficiant as the mouse. if i enter the code again it re-enables the mouse but disables the keyboard. i can do this like a cheat code but someone said something about using macro to use codes with the push of a single button. now i'm not a total gaming freak so even though i'm awake of such a method i have no idea how to do this. can someone please help me with this and teach me how to do this. please only serious responses to help me, i don't want this turning into another mockery like my other thread.
Try pasting something like this in your autoexec.cfg file (located in Valve\Steam\SteamApps\[YOURNAME]\half-life 2\hl2\cfg):

alias mousetoggle "mouseon"
alias mouseon "+mlook; alias mousetoggle mouseoff"
alias mouseoff "-mlook; alias mousetoggle mouseon"
bind "m" "mousetoggle"

...where 'm' is whatever key you want to use.

If you don't have an autoexec.cfg, just make one and put it in that folder.
the command is activated during gameplay by the console in other words the ~ key. the command is cl_mouselook 0 to enable keyboard look and cl_mouselook 1 to enable mouselook. can this be done the same way.
Then this should work:

alias mousetoggle "mouseon"
alias mouseon "cl_mouselook 1; alias mousetoggle mouseoff"
alias mouseoff "cl_mouselook 0; alias mousetoggle mouseon"
bind "m" "mousetoggle"

Pasted in your autoexec.cfg.

Edit: Just tried it and the console says 'can't set cl_mouselook while connected.' What you're asking may be impossible with Episode 1. I don't know how you're even using the 'cl_mouselook' command, since the only way to do it is without any map loaded.

If you ARE somehow getting 'cl_mouselook' to work in the middle of gameplay, then the above macro will work too.
well i got it working on source but after trying to get it working on episode one my entire game data for all 3 games was delete, i have to download them all again, what happened.
Unlikely, you're probably just receiving a patch. And what are you referring to when you say 'source'? Source SDK? The original HL2?
well it did say updating while i was trying to get it to work on episode one but why do i have to redownload when as far as i can tell the file data is still there.
You are only updating insofar as it is necessary to install the latest patch. This will not take long on a typical broadband connection.