How do i make a bird fly into a wall then drop down dead?



I think this would be quite a funny addition to my map to have the person walk through a door then infront of him (or her) a bird flies into a wall and drops down dead.

I know how to make paths for birds to fly in and how to spawn a bird, i've learned how to do that already but what i want to know is how to make it fly into a wall and drop down dead.


From Andrew.
Tie it's wings back with string and throw it really hard into a wall?

Sorry, couldnt resist.
Not dis-similar to what many people wish they could do to you then?

I don't know anything to do with mapping or anything, but i'd assume to make the bird move to the wall quickly, and then just somehow kill it right when it hits the wall.
glue birdseed to a window

oh, and get some windex :thumbs:
Ok, here's a valid answer.

Have one of the bird's path_track touch the window he'll collide in. Name your bird model. On the path_track, set an output so "onpass" kills the bird.

The moment the bird reaches that path_track, he'll die. Add some nice sound and voila.
Sounds like a good iddea... Or kill the bird and spawn a new ragdoll in it's position.
don't use the "Kill" input, that literally tells the NPC to remove itself completely from the world. If you're using the EP2 codebase, all NPCs now have a "BecomeRagdoll" input. Use that.
Good idea Mess! I'll do that. Thanks man (and everybody else for their erm.. sensible.. ideas).
i've an idea, put a bird ragdoll next to a phys splode in the air and the bird will flyy the die.....