How do i model first person models?


Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I wanna model a first person model of a weapon for counter strike. I just need the v view (the first person one, not the third person one). Its going to be for my new superhero for the superhero mod on amxx.
How would i do this? I have 3ds max and have sort of practiced modeling guns in third person but what about first? How do i model the hand?

Are there any tutorials specifically on this or maybe someone can help me out step by step through an instead messenger (as my mentor)?

Thanks for your help guys.
lol why are your questions always so vauge. duno how to spell that word. well do you want your own custom hand? find a tutorial on modeling a hand and do it. do the same for a gun. theres not much more too say really.
do you know how to do it? will you guide me through it?
i really need help with this!
my segestion is to use a prerendered hand in max thats what i did in soft image for my hands and beleive me it saves alot of time.
u mean a prefabricated hand ...prerendered would be a 2d image lol .
if prefabricated models are usualy no optimised so they wouldnt help you much and really in the end u arent learning anything. a better way would be to actually aproach the problem of modeling a hand by well MODELING IT lol ..
if u need help add me [email protected]
oh and its vague
lol there I go again with incorect terms. Yea ive already learnt how to make hands I just do that to save time (im realy lazy lol).
why dont you decompile v_hands ?
