How do I pinch?


Jul 5, 2003
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I've been trying to learn this guitar technique for weeks, but all I can seem to get is an occasional muted plunk. Can anyone share some secrets of the technique or point me in the right direction for some tutorials?
Crank the gain right up and ensure your pickup switch is set furthest to the bridge (if you have one). I find I get the best results when I pinch the plectrum and the string together directly over one of the pickups. It's quite hard to describe, so you'll just have to keep practicing.
First you have to find the 'money-spot' as I call it.

Hold the 12th fret on the second (B) string (the spot seems to be universal, and I find it's easiest to do at this particular spot), and pick the string, then just light tap (really quickly and really lightly) around where you pick (usually over the pickup), as soon as you hear the high noise, you've found your spot, and you can use it for all strings, same spot.

Now for the actual technique: You have to position the pick/your hand (it differs for everyone) so that JUST after you pick, some part of your hand (for me it's the end of my thumb) just lightly hits the string (at that money-spot), and makes the harmonic. It's hard, but once you get it, it's pretty easy.
When I still played guitar, I used to use the ball/fleshy part of my thumb to do this; I'd pluck the string with my pick in such a motion that the base of my thumb would just barely brush the string immediately after.

It took a while to figure out how to do it, and even then I would frequently fluff it.
Can do it on any note, I slide the pick down my thumb until the edge is just below the tip of my thumb, and hit the note with the pick, but making sure my gets the majority of it, when you get used to it then its really easy, can do solos in purely pitch harmonics lol.
Wohoo, got my first pinch harmonic... now just to reproduce it...
Wohoo, got my first pinch harmonic... now just to reproduce it...

i didn't read the whole thread so my advice is to learn first on the G string. and hit the string where the edge of the pickup is. after you hit with the pick quickly let your thumb slide down to just touch the string a bit.

once you get the feeling for it is is to reproduce on any string, but after the 12 fret it gets harder. yes gain helps
If I can get my thumb placed properly, I can get a bit of a pinch goin
If I can get my thumb placed properly, I can get a bit of a pinch goin

Try hitting your thumb somewhere else on the string, you're probably just not hitting the sweet spot.