How do I use this cable

that is a VIVO looks like it has plugs for you to input video from a camcorder/VCR etc and record on to your PC.
My tube sony TV only has a s-video in and its a female port. so I can't do it? is there an adapter for it?
Plug the end into the videocard and use the cable labled S-Video to plug into the TV and it should work right.

I have an MSI vivo 6600gt and it is easy to work.
Yeah, but, theres two ends that say s-video, One is in, one is out, both are female. the only s-video in on my tv is female also... thus the question, is there an adapter for it?
Don't bother with that cable, if you don't have a TV that supports it. Just get a short s-video to RCA adaptor. One should have come with your Graphics Card. I have about 4 lying around here, but I live in NZ, They can't cost much.
all s video cables that you buy at stores are males at both ends
Yeah, I didn't see that his TV also had s-video. Just get a normal s-video cable! Forget the crap cable you have now! Talk about making an easy task difficult!

Remember that s-video doesn't do sound, so you will need to hook up your sound seperately. I'm sure you can figure out how to do that without consulting with the forum first, can't you?