how do people do it?


Dec 7, 2004
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I came in and woke my roommate up (figured he'd be up by now). And his's one of the oscillating round ones...the metal screen has fallen down just a bit so that 1 of the 4 blades nicks it as it passes, making this awful 'click' noise. But it'll make it like 15 times a second. It's loud too, and it was going while my roommate was asleep, but he woke up, heard it, and didn't bother to fix it, and now he's gone back to sleep with it still clicking.

How the hell can somebody sleep through that, MAYBE if they were drunk/tired, but he's had a full nights sleep and I know he doesn't drink. I'm still in awe; I mean I can't even sleep if I haven't brushed my teeth.
Some people find something like that soothing i guess...would piss me right of though!

That is why i have a digital alarm clock and not a normal clock in my room, the incessant 'tic toc tic toc' is :angry:
for the longest time i could not sleep without the white noise hum of the air conditioner on. The horrible silence is kinda off putting.

Nowadays i can sleep justa bout anywhere under any circumstances
Lawl :LOL:
You think that's odd?

I once slept next to a portable CD-player playing at maximum volume next to my head.
Slept like a rose ^-^
You can get used to anything. A Kenyan man told me that. He used to stick mice up his arse for $25 a pop.
Sulkdodds said:
He used to stick mice up his arse for $25 a pop.

Did he get used to it?

As for me, I cannot sleep with any distraction, even a small LED light in the corner of the room thats barely visible, I have to get up and cover it or switch it off. Theres something wrong with me.
yea, i realize you get used to stuff, but the thing is, i've been in the same room with this guy for almost a year, and have never heard his fan do this.
I've gotten to sleep before with the windows open on a busy street, and a bright light directly above my head. That said, I do have some really weird sleeping habits.
Beerdude26 said:
I once slept next to a portable CD-player playing at maximum volume next to my head.
Slept like a rose ^-^
Plants don't sleep.
I can sleep pretty much anywhere, under any conditions, if I'm alone. If there is someone along in the room with me, and I have to lie there and listen to their breathing, I can NEVER sleep.

Usually, however, I sleep with my futon down, all light except the light from my PC case and all noise off but the humm of the resevoir on my PC cooling.
I find that I can sleep through anything, but if any particular sound is repeated every night I find I cant sleep without that sound. :frown:
My little brother has slept through a fire alarm going off above his head.

I am pretty sure that is natural selection right there.
Hahaha I was just thinking the same thing.

And I'm actually a pretty particular sleeper- noise I can deal with, but it has to be like completely dark. Unless I've had no sleep whatsoever, mid-day naps are out of the question.
I couldn't sleep last night because there was a mosquito in the same god-damned room. All night, it was ".........bzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzz..."... interval of 5 minutes... just before you go to sleep... "BZZBZBZBZZZZZBZZZZZZZZ!!!!!"! ALL FUGGIN' NIGHT!

I hate mosquitoes.
I can sleep through anything. If you can sleep on a bus that goes down dirt roads and carries about 50 people you'll do fine :p
I can take almost any noise and still fall asleep. But I go crazy when the neighbours' baby starts crying! I literally feel like I'm going to flip whenever I hear that nerve-wracking sound..-.but then I bought earplugs! They must be a gift from heaven. So buy those.
I sleep next to a busy road with the window open (lets in a breeze) with an occasional street light above my head. (street light oddly only goes on a few times a year.)

If you can't sleep with a fan by your head you're a n00b.
I've heard a lot about your room mate Xcellerate, my suggestion: destroy him or lock him in a cupboard somewhere.

Somewhere far away.
Sulkdodds said:
He's in Australia, hence summer. :p


*baseless accusations continue*