How do you browse


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
I mostly just create a bunch of tabs with each diffrent forum in, and then create tabs of the topics I'm viewing.
I'm just curious if theres a more...efficent way of doing it.
I just have one window...usually, I prefer more windows to tabs for some things.
I don't go that far. One tab with fast clicking and constant refreshing is usually I browse.
One tab, unless I'm reading something/watching something interestin, then I'll go back with another tab....

Also with semen on the keyboard.
must resist ..tempt..ation

I first go into "My Profile", and check the threads that I have replied to (by opening new tabs). Then I go into Off-Topic, Video Dump and Politics and check out the threads there. Sometimes I go into the Film and Music forum as well.
First tab: Main page.

Second tab: Current forum (one at a time)

Other tabs after that: Opened topics.

Open em all up, and then browse at my leisure. Ctrl+W when I'm done with a thread to close and pop straight to the next one.
I usually have one or two tabs open. I also use one hand to navigate, while holding my
in my other.
Main HL2net site -> New tab for the forum -> New tab for each section (OT, GGC, etc), then threads for each of those.
i use ff and open all the threads in new tabs then i scroll to the last one and go through them till i reach the main forum.
Firefox -> OT, Gaming, Politics, and Music in new tabs -> interesting threads in new tabs -> reply to all -> repeat occasionally.
One tab, hit New Posts, read the first interesting thread, reply to it, hit New Posts, read the next interesting thread, reply to it, hit New Posts, rinse and repeat until I've seen all of them.
I never in my life clicked the "New Posts" icon. I think I will do it now.


Oh shi-
One IE window, no f-ing tabs, usually scroll down to the lounge looking for something interesting. Right now the art forum is hot cuz of the competition. I also look at site discussion occasionally.
I rarely use the new posts button, only when I'm really bored and have nothing else better to do that browse
I mostly just browse the lounge... no simpler way to say it.
I view with glasses :|
I never in my life clicked the "New Posts" icon. I think I will do it now.

Same, once again. I think it needs to be more obvious to people (despite the fact its at the top of the screen).
I usually just come to general off-topic, see what's up, and then make my way to music, and then go about my day. Repeat this a few times throughout the day.
I usually just come to general off-topic, see what's up, and then make my way to music, and then go about my day. Repeat this a few times throughout the day.

Pretty much.
Go to New Posts, middleclick the 'go to first new post' arrow of every interesting and subscripted thread. This mostly ends up with about 20 tabs, I read them all, reply etc.. With the last tab I hit New Posts again, repeat. This repeats till I end up clicking the New Posts button once a second, waiting for someone to post something.
Click bookmark at the top of my screen, go directly to forum, open off-topic and general gaming in seperate tabs, check TV/Movies forum or Music forum in original tab
Bookmarks --> Forums --> --> New Posts --> Close Tab
MOST of the time (when I'm just checking the forums quickly, which is most of the time), I tab General Off-Topic and General Games Chat, then when it's just those 2 tabs, I go into GOT and tab all the interesting threads (only page 1), then when I'm finished with GOT (and exit the GOT tab), I do the same with GGC. I end up with all the interesting threads tabbed, and just close the tab when I'm finished with each thread. I'll just add Politics tab, Film tab, etc. to the GOT and GGC tabs when I'm browsing alot, and do the same thing.
This repeats till I end up clicking the New Posts button once a second, waiting for someone to post something.

Haha, my brethren. Once you go New Posts you never go back.
Open firefox, Navigate to the index, check out: Site News, Offtopic, Games, Politics, Art, Movies, and maybe peek at the actual Half-Life sections once in a while.
I havent checked the regular HL sections in a long time. I dont really converse about the game anymore as its been around 65 years since episode 1 came out :(
I just browse the forum index and see if anyone has posted anything with the "Last post from .... "