how do you get out of this room? :S




Eliminate as many enemy threats as you can from where you can get to now. Hit the switch that'll turn off electricity in the water, but will close the door you see on the far wall. Find some buoyant objects that you can use to push underneath the broken path to your left. They'll raise the end that dangles in the water above the surface. Hit the switch that opens the door again. You should now be able to make it by jumping (using your newly extended path) to the far end of this path that'll allow you to jump to another path that'll take you to the door (right between the barnacles in this shot).

...have a good weapon drawn, by the way :D

edit - and welcome to the forums!
The above response is much more sensible than what I did; found the buoyant blue barrel, tossed it into the water between the damaged walkway and the section of catwalk set on the pillar, jumped on said barrel, sank into electrified death-water as it went under, and just barely managed to jump on the central platform.

EDIT: Additionally, I was seized twice by barnacles in the course of navigating that room.
So you didn't think to put the barrel under the grating seen in your screen on the left and then jump to the pipes....hey wait a minute, where are those pipes?
Wow, I did something completely different than both of you. I noticed one of those aliens with their rope tongues that hang out, and pull you up. One of those is in the middle, so I just ran, jumped into it, then shot it with a shotgun while holding down left, and landed on the ramp. I always usually find my own way to solve the puzzles ;)
Both times I've played through that bit, I just sprinted and jumped the gap. Usually lost a bit of health, but nothing too bad.
hehe, nice guys!

i walked (swimed?) around that place for like 10min and looked for something to use as a jumppoint after i hit the switch. then i stopped for a sec to think it throu... "hey, a barrel!" :p
Place the blue barrel under the nearly snapped walkway to hold it up, and then get across.
How can you miss that door being opened? Stop the drug abuse
I'm always surprised more people didn't make threads about the ventilation shaft, elevator and trip mine rooms. I'm sure I did it wrong and missed the obvious answer. I ninja-chucked a grenade into the room as the lift fell down. :borg:
Reginald said:
I'm always surprised more people didn't make threads about the ventilation shaft, elevator and trip mine rooms. I'm sure I did it wrong and missed the obvious answer. I ninja-chucked a grenade into the room as the lift fell down. :borg:

That part gave me flashbacks to the original Half-Life, which is no bad thing. :)
Ferroque said:
That part gave me flashbacks to the original Half-Life, which is no bad thing. :)

Exactly the same here. It had the same feeling of requiring perfection or else death.
Vass said:
Place the blue barrel under the nearly snapped walkway to hold it up, and then get across.

You can actually place the barrel underneath your foot and "walk" to the other side. That takes skill.
heh, thanks for the tips, i will try them

actually, i tried to set the blue barrel in front of the door, turn the power on, and then shoot the barrel with the crossbow into the door threshold so when i turned the power off, it would hold open the door. I got the barrel into position, but it was just not meant to be :dork: :x