How do you make an elevator with the new hammer?


Aug 20, 2003
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Hey guys... been working on the level some more but I stumbled into a few doubts.

I just started making an elevator and I think it's going fine for the most part, however, I have a few questions:

1) I'm using the fun_movelinear entity for my elevator, setting the angle at 90 degrees and the start point to 0 ( so it starts at the origin). My question is, how do you measure the move distance from point to the other in your map? It says the move distance value is in inches, but how am I suppossed to know how many inches are between the bottom floor and the top floor?

2) What sort of measurement does the grid provide? Is it in inches? If so, how many inches per grid unit?

I'd be grateful if someone could answer that for me.
Yup, it's one inch per unit (with grid set to smallest). It's easier when you have 'highlight every 8 grid lines' checked in the Options menu, so you can zoom out and count the bigger units, consisting of 8s.
can you make a detailed tut on how to do it?

Yes plz post tutorial... i can't even get func_movelinear to work for me and i don't know how to set up the func_button to work with it. I am using a 2 floor (bottom floor, top floor) elevator in my map. oh and while i am here if anybody knows how to make the button stay with the elevator entity, that would be cool

You have to assign the button to a parent entity, which in this case would be the elevator. After that the button should move right along with the elevator.

I finished my elevator... I might write a short tutorial on how I did it and post it here soon.
that would be great...if you can find time in between playing HL2

All I need to know right now is how to trigger the func_movelinear to start.