How do you roleplay your character?


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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Tell me of the interesting things you've done as a way to roleplay your character. Try not to give out spoilers.

***NOTE: The following is NOT written for form. Just a rambling account of how I just roleplayed my character***

My character, after adding in all my mods including obscuro's oblivion overhaul, is a female wood elf named Sapphire. She's stealth oriented, and i've labelled her class a Pirate. She is a Pirate, and that is the reason she was in jail at the beginning of the game.

Anyways... one day she had an interest of joining the thieves guild, and so she inquired in all the right places. After being initiated, she headed off north to find a fence to sell some of her goods and increase her standing in the guild.

It was on that road though, that she found just off to the side a shrine. She examined the shrine and touched it, and her hands were suddenly the gauntlets of a daedra, as well as a daedric dagger. Unable to unequip the dagger or the gauntlets, she headed back off towards bruma. When she neared the gates... she felt an overwhelming urge of bloodlust and violence surge through her, probably from the bound daedric items controlling her.

So the first thing she did? Well... I had her charge the city guard outside the gates and attack him. Eventually she ran him through, and after that happened the bound items faded into nonexistance and then came the realization of the atrocity she commited. She was a thief... not a murderer, and she blamed the bound dagger/gauntlets for controlling her actions.

So she took off north towards the mountains to hide away, and encountered some bandits. After dispatching them all, she stole one of their beds in a tent for the night... it wasn't but an hour of sleep when she was awoken, to be greeted by a member of the dark brotherhood. Shocked, she basically just listened until he was finished. As he started walking away... she stabbed him in the back because he seemed to know of the deed she commited and she wanted noone to know, But he turned around and dealt her a mighty blow. Scared and wounded, she begged his forgiveness and he then dissapeared.

That's how my time ended... <grins> An ordinary player might just get the bound items and think to themselves, "sweet"... but I wanted to roleplay her that it controlled her actions and caused her to commit a murder she had not intended. A city guard no less. So now she has to wait out in the mountains until the guards forget about her crime. As for if she's going to join the dark brotherhood? Only time will decide.
My character is a Male Khajiit named Billeth (named after a chronic weed smoker I know). He uses the Khajiit Night Eye toggle mod so he doesn't have to wait thirty god damnd seconds when he wants his eyes to readjust.

He still wonders to himself why he was in jail. There was this king dude that was nice enough to save him, and he finds books of him all around the country, but he doesn't really remember a word he said. Just that he gave him a set of tasks to do involving Oblivion portals, and every so often, when he's bored, he'll go and take up a task for some entertainment.

He's born under the Thief birthsign, and tells everybody he's an acrobat. Everybody believes he's an acrobat cause he's really good and pursuading people to believe nonsensical bullshit (ala speechcraft).

After getting out of jail, the first thing he did was rob people. After going through maybe five or six houses, and maybe an ingame month, he was needing a place to dump his stolen goods. He joined the thieves guild just to get inside on some fences.

After robbing his first house (or two, before the thieves guild), he went and visited an intriguing looking marble structure he saw off in the distance. He didn't know what to do with himself, so he figured he may as well go and figure out what was with all the counter top.

Upon crossing the ford between the river and the Imperial City, he went straight to an iron grate he saw eminating an amazing glowing essence type thing. He touched the essence, and suddenly, it was all clear to him. He was at a ruin of some sort, the place was named Vilverin, and he knew that there was a door somewhere nearby.

He found said door, and, anxious, began pushing aside its magnificent stone door. It was lined with a marvelous blue glass that looked like a mountaintop, and was centered with a large ball of marble. Suddenly, he heard somebody shout "HEY!". He flew around, and saw an elf running towards him from up by the essence. "Ah, another adventurer!" he thought to himself. Casually, he walked up to the man, expecting to see his crosshairs turn to a speechbuble, so he could ask the man what he was doing so far from the city. Instead of initiating conversation though, the word "BANDIT" appeared at the bottom of his eyeball, and the man stabbed him.

He quickly slew the man and his wife, and hurriedly pushed open the stone door. He ran inside as fast as he could, to avoid another confrontation.

Inside of the stone door, he found zombies. Lots of zombies. He struggled on, being the weak ass thief he was, and discovered a large glowing statue of some sort. He figured it was of some worth, and took the object, being the antinoble thief he was

You could say that he doesn't get out much, but that's not the case anymore. He USED to spend all his time in the city, doing quests that involve interaction within towns, but lately he's been doing allot of traveling. It's given him allot of time to ponder his Blacksmith skills.

He takes an extreme interest in the many hookers plastered around Cyrodiil. Whether it be Luciana Galena and her extravagant comments about his hot crotch, or that black maid he met in an Inn in the country side, every time he finds a woman of lusty profession, he takes the time to talk to her for a few minutes, and get on her good side. Even if the only word she understands is "rumors".
Meet Ke'yaal Ryoka, a Khajit long gone from her homeland. She has lived her life among the lowest of the low, stealing to eat and live - until the day she was found by a mage and taught some remnants of the arts. She woke up many days later, in a prison cell being taunted by a Dunmer. He lies dead now, a flaming arrow through his eye.

Ke'yaal has no need for the skill of security, with the touch of magic to open any doors that stand in her way. She has a thirst for knowledge that is almost impossible to quench, and is, in some ways, a weak point; there are no private houses in the cities of Anvil and Skingrad, save Castle Skingrad, that have any books in them.
Sir Daniel Sapwell, Knight-Errand of the White Stallion and Champion of Cyrodil.

Daniel was born in the noble Harnak Imperial family, spending his life in Cheydinhal, his father (Sarnin) always seemed to take a negative shining to him. So whenever Daniel requested to become a squire, and eventually a knight, his father would scorn him with insults and sometimes even attack Daniel. Because of Sarnin's high status as a noblemen, the guards looked the other way at Daniel's beatings.

Daniel picked up the skill of the blade during his dirt-paid job at Bravil (After quickly moving away from his Cheydinhal home when he came of age), fighting off rats and crabs in hulls of small ships. When his father visited Bravil on business, he spotted Daniel working and went in a rage. No one knew why Sarnin was always so violently opposed to his son, but the guards of Bravil woudn't look the other way even if he was the Emperor himself!

Sarnin was arrested on many charges for assault and now resides somewhere inside the Bravil prison until the day he dies. Daniel changed his last name to Sapwell in name of a brand of armoursmithers that lived near Daniel's shack.

Daniel, with a new identity, but iwth a shattered past; joined the local Fighter's Guild and developed a passion for heavy armour and general defence. After months of serving the figher's guild, he reignited his desire to become a knight. Rumours were spreading that Count Choroll was looking for a knight and the only person to apply so far is a female orc who refuses to speak with anyone. He thought he'd be a shoe-in.

He sold his shack in Bravil for 3,500 gold for renting a horse and other travelling expenses and hired a room in Chorrol. During the process in becoming the knight of Chorrol, Daniel was confronted by a small squad of guards and arrested for name fraud (The person who made the documents of the name-change was a fake, and all his costumers were arrested for the same charges. Like all prisoners, everyone was outraged at the situation.)

Daniel sat in prison facing serious charges, awaiting the path of the Emporer to cross his.

The rest of his story would spoil quest storyline. But at the end he achieves massive success and a name throughout cyrodil that will never be forgotten.

Jan-tuk Maggamabar, notorious assassin with a taste for adventure.

Jan-tuk's life went downhill from the moment he was born in Black Marsh, he was born under the sign of the shadow, which was meant to garuntee him specialist training in stealth and espionage, but due to a bad-reputation with his family as thieves and outlaws he was denied the honourable privellage.

Cursing his family line he moved to Cyrodil to try and make a good reputation for the Maggamabar name. He travelled to Lewayiin with the intention of opening an alchemy shop, but he got dirty looks from all the non-beast race citizens. Guards would occassionally mutter something with "Pondscum" or "Scaled-Freak" at the end of the sentence. Jan-tuk tried to make a complaint of racial discrimination with the Countess after his store got thrashed and a note saying "GET OUT, YOU BOG-DRINKING WASTE!", but she had a burning hatred for the race too and the pursuit for a more politcally correct society in Leyawiin was nothing more than a wild goose chase.

Jan-tuk assumed that all of Cyrodil was like this and gave up on improving his family name. He heard rumours of a small all-kajhit town called "Watch Point" and decided to negotiate his way into the all-beast town. His attempts were a success and rented a room to stay in. He was interrupted one night while resting by a Daedric God, the God promised a very satisfying reward if Jan-tuk did a request for him, if he did not, the God said "I could turn you into a goat, a puddle or a bad idea. I could make you eat your fingers, or fall in love with a cloud"

Jan-Tuk was scared witless of this offer, and accepted to aid the God without hesitation. Jan-Tuk's job was to create three signs similar to that of an old Watch Point myth of the gods signalling the end of the world. Jan-tuk had to attract hordes of rats to town, the task was easy since he stole a very powerful-smelling cheese from the inn-keeper and started to cook it in the middle of town, rats from all directions poured into town and the local shaman was fortelling the end of the world.

Jan-Tuk then proceeded making two other mischievious tasks to the town, causing them to go in an uproar, the Daedric God then contacted Jan-Tuk later thanking him for his help, and gave him a staff named the "Wabbajack"; a tool of chaos and sometimes fun, when casted on a victim, the victim would transform into a random animal for a short period of time.

Jan-Tuk took another trip to Lewayiin with the Wabbajack in hand, the Countess was turned into a gecko for a few days. Ironic Justice. Jan-Tuk was confronted by a very patriotic towns-man when he was travelling out of town, Jan-Tuk's new staff was out of charge and the towns-man promised to tell the Empire of Jan-Tuk's involvement in the chaos. Jan-Tuk had no choice but to slay the man and stash the corpse in a near-by cave. The work of dragging and clearing the cave had Jan-Tuk pooped so he took a nap.

In his sleep, he was interrupted by a man wearing midnight-black robes and hood, offering Jan-Tuk a place in his "family" (Also known as the Dark Brotherhood) if Jan-Tuk killed an old man in cold blood. The robed man was named Lucian, and Lucian's promises were wonderful and acceptable in the ears of Jan-Tuk. Lucian handed Jan-Tuk a virgin blade and then dissapeared in the shadows with the promise of a place within the brotherhood.

Jan-Tuk spent three days in the caves spending the time meditating on what he has learnt over the last few days and decided to take up the offer by Lucian. The old man, known as Rufio, was stabbed once in the neck in his sleep by Jan-Tuk. Jan-Tuk was devistataed by the fact that he ended a life of a humble old man, and rented a room in the same inn that Rufio spent his final hours. Lucian approached once again filling his end of the bargain. Jan-Tuk was now a family member, a murderer of the Dark Brotherhood.

Jan-Tuk was already the sneaky type, during his childhood he was able to pick any lock presented and stole the Imperial-Brand candies from the other children. The contracts given to Jan-Tuk were very simple and easy for him, he recieved a bonus for executing the contract 100% to what the client offered. Jan-Tuk fell in love with the "Den Mother" of the Cheydinhal Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary whose name was "Ocheeva", Jan-Tuk would always do anything for her, even a personal task involving the execution of an ex-Shadow Scale member.

Jan-Tuk then went through different phases of emotions, at first he felt love, then loss, then deviousness. He eventually commited the largest recorded robbery in the history of Cyrodil. Jan-Tuk is now in hiding in a place I would rather not detail (Incase any of you eager adventurers want to claim the massive bounty of his head of 350,000 gold ;)) He occassionaly visits his shack in the Imperial City Waterfront at the dead hours of the morning to hide stolen goods or Daedric Artifacts.

I like to roleplay. And I am aware that those stories are horribly written out and structured. But I really coudn't be ****ed fixing them.
Hunts-In-Shadow, the Argonian is what he calls a "Shadow". Born under the Theif sign, he knows how to use the shadows for anything, whether it be stealing or killing. His profession is just basicly looting. He kills bandits and takes their valuables and then sells them for profit. He uses a Silver Bow, does not use a horse, he uses the college of Illusion to calm creatures, or uses invisiblilty for stealth/escape, and even though his bow is his main weapon, he still carries a Dagger around with him, just in case. He is weak at the moment, being in prison for a long time, but as he experiences battle/stealth/magic, he will grow stronger.
holy shit ..and I thought I was roleplaying by trying to be evil guys have invented all sorts of background information while I'm still struggling to remember city/character names ...I went Cheyenne the other day on a Dark brothers quest (the guy who gives you the horse ...umm ..shadowhorse ..sent me to kill some guy named Ungaba or something or other) ..on the way I got attacked by ...umm ..moss men? swamp dudes? ...accdentily found some ruins full of those lizard types guys ..umm Aragons? and found a cool ring that gives me ..oh I dont know +10 to one of the stats
I had a much easier time roleplaying in Morrowind for some reason... I'd love to be able to do the same with Oblivion but the world seems to lack... lore and atmosphere...

What I mean is, there's no roleplaying purpose to anything in the game. There's hardly no background stories or interaction between cities and factions, wherein one could create their own roleplaying purposes.

I loved the map in Morrowind because it was easy to see something, and be like "Wow, I want to go see what that is" and then you can easily turn that into your character's purpose/quest.

Here's a few of the guys I roleplayed in Morrowind:

Draaz - Nordic Barbarian sent to Morrowind to recover Daedric artifacts for the glory of his master Mehrunes Dagon. He had to search each Daedric ruin and obviously got into many adventures along the way.

Agreiver - Redguard Ranger on mission to Vvardenfell to recover the ancient Propylon stones and create the Propylon index. Also beat main quest.

Numerous others...

Anyway, this all being said... I'd love to be able to play Oblivion with a character that had a roleplaying purpose. I beat the MQ with Agreiver, this time he was a Redguard "Paladin Acrobat" but he's boring.. I can't find any sort of purpose for this guy and he's felt like an empty shell the entire time. Normally I play every RPG as a paladin and have fun, but not in OB.

It's like, yeah, he can go around doing good.. but why? He's just a chump, doing everyones boring quests... fetch this, kill this, recover this. "Ok, I"ll do it!" There's no real purpose behind him and I'm finding the quests in the game to be boring.. At the end, I always feel like a sucker for even going through it.

I'd LIKE to give him my own quest.. like recover all the 30 Varla stones.. That would be interesting and probably the only one I've thought of... except I hate having a little marker appear on my compass for a stupid ruin on the other side of a hill that I never saw... thus exploring is boring and it's not like you have a map that shows all the locations... (like in MW)

ANYWAY, GIVE MY CHARACTER A PURPOSE. PLEASE!!!! ALL IDEAS WELCOME. Starting a new character stinks because I hate the Oblivion gates, I thought that by beating the main quest I could then have fun giving Agreiver a RP purpose, but alas, no.... theres none to be found.

Please realize this isn't a complaint, it's a cry for help! Help me roleplay Agreiver.
Here, have some mods. *guestures*

Seriously, there's got to be a 'turn off the compass' one somewhere. And ones that add lore, and whatnot.
Bit of a story from today :D

Billeth was on his way back to the Imperial City via the road just south of the ford bridging the city island. For reference, he had passed Pells Gate a bout an hour ago.

Running as fast as he could to the city, so he could catch the market before it closed, he ran into Wumeek. He seemed un-troubled, and was in a bit of a bouncey mood for an argonian. Billeth asked what all the euphoria was about. Wumeek, in an anxious tone (yet immensley glad to see somebody on the trail) revealed that his aunt was in town, and was boarding in the Faregyl inn just south of Pells Gate. She was in Cyrodiil on bussiness from an independant archealogical guild in Eleswyr, and was supposed to meet up with an excavation team at the Sleeping Mare in Pells Gate. They were to head west to some heartland ruins in the area. Billeth knew of the ruins they were heading too, he was there just a few days ago on bussiness with the local mages guild hall, to investigate some necromancer activity in the ruin.

Billeth, not wanting to break Wumeeks mood, didn't tell Wumeek of the necromancers inhabiting the ruin. After all, he had just cleared all the necromancers out of the ruin just the other day, leaving plenty of head room for the dig team.

He asked Wumeek what of the city he'd overheard lately. Wumeek replied
"Why are you asking me? You're the ears of the city! You know everything about EVERYBODIES bussiness! You sly bastard!", said in a condesending tone. Billeth retorted
"What's the matter man? We've always been friends, why are you going back on me now? And don't give me any Khajiit racism crap, that's never stood between us before"
"Sorry, it's just that, well, i'm rather anxious. I heard of some recent necromancer activity in the ruins my aunt is heading out too, and I figured i'd tag along as some backup (he pushed back the left side of his robe, revealing a large blue-glass sword bathed in a magical red glow). I've taken out hordes of necromancers before, but I just feel something's wrong right now"
"ah" Billeth sighed.
"So, what was it you wanted to know about the city?" Wumeek said, with a friendly new outlook.
"Well, what rumors you heard lately? Last I heard, the guard was really cracking down on those beggars. Lex seems to think they pose a threat, claiming that they're associated too deeply with the thieves guild." Billeth let out a slight chuckle with the last word. He was a member of the guild, and had personally given Lex a bit of hell with the beggars (looking back on last sunday, where he unlocked the northern watch tower door and let a hoard of beggars with bags of flaming horse feces into the room). Wumeek however, had no idea of Billeths association with the guild.
Wumeek broke Billeths thought train. "Yeah, those damn beggars, I swear to god Bill, they can't be trusted! Last monday, I caught one milking my cat in the wee hours of the morning! I tell you Billeth, if I had the authority, i'd come down on those beggars MYSELF! I have a mind to ram a dagger straight through Simplicia's skull, out her mouth, and into a wooden stake. Those damn theives, they're ruining the economy. I know they're hiding in the waterfront. Armand, I tell you, he's one of them. Always sitting there in the square at midnight, all alone with his torch. You know Bill, I saw one actually aproach Armand last week! He was a Khajiit, kinda looked like you! Hell, he looked exactly like you, dreadlocks and everything! He walked up to armand, and handed him a sack of gold. You know how I knew it was gold Bill? I'll tell you Bill. Armand took the sack, tipped it upside down, and shook it over a sleeping beggars head. Out came what had to be three kay gold septims! I swear Billeth, the nerve of those theives..." Wumeek was hyperventilating.
Billeth broke his rant off short with a disgruntled spit. He had no clue that Wumeek felt that way towards the guild. The nerve of that bastard, evesdropping on him (Billeth) while he handed Armand that sack of gold.

He pushed Wumeek aside and sprinted into the forest. Wumeek turned and yelled into his tracks,
"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to rant! What's wrong, c'mon Bill, now you're making me feel bad!"

He shrugged it off and kept walking towards Pells Gate. He whistled to himself and thought. Thought of his aunty. Of the expedition he was following them on. Of the necromancers he expected. What would his aunty do at the sight of so much bloodshed? He thought, and played out the incident as his mind saw fit. Starting with him unsheathing his sword. He brought the blue blade up, up, way up over his head, muscles glistening. His fore arms twitched as he brought the blade back down.

A blade, glass. Blue glass. Slithering through argonian flesh, pushing easily past the scales at the back of Wumeeks skull. With his last ounce of energy, Wumeek saw the blue glass blade cover itself in crimson as it pulled through his nose. Blood ran down the incline the blade made, falling off the tip as graceful as one would expect a waterfall.

The blade pulled back, and Wumeek fell to the ground dead. A cloaked figure rammed its hands into Wumeek's pockets, and pulled all the gold he had on him.

Billeth turned, disgruntled, yet satisfied with the meager "blood money", and continued walking down the trail towards the city.
I'm an honorable knight trying to take down the Dark Brotherhood...FROM THE INSIDE! I've so far justified my murders and from what I've heard I end up purging half the Brotherhood anyway. It's really fun trying to roleplay.
My character is a custom class I named Assassin Knight. Which is essentially just a stealthy knight.

I try to be chivalrous in that I don't kill anybody I don't have to (usually 99% only in DB quests since i'm doing all the quests for all the guilds)

He's obviously a knight so his main combat is a longsword, but he also has some rejuvanation and alteration magic specialties that help him out in battle.

At some point i'm thinking of either starting a new character, or changing him to a bow using magic caster just for a flip of character.
That's how my first dude was, a blackguard. Fast, agile, strong , quick and with a few spells. Also hell of an alchemy skill... Now I am playing a more mage oriented charactar, it's much harder x.x