How do you search for something on the internet but don't know how to search it?


Nov 12, 2006
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I'll give you an example. Say you saw a film a few years ago, but cannot remember its name and you want to see it again, how do you search it on the internet?
What can you put in to make it closer to the results you want?
Ask on a forum relevant to the subject. You can try the IMDB forums.
If you remember anything about it, like in your example say a quote, character name, actor name, tagline, or whatever, that could narrow it down. If you get a lot of the same thing that's not related, you can remove those results with a minus, i.e. the shining brings up a bunch of shoe polish pages you could search for "The Shining" -polish.
try searching for a quote , if you remember one of the actors then do a search on imdb for him/her and look at his filmography .
try searching for a quote , if you remember one of the actors then do a search on imdb for him/her and look at his filmography .

^^ Even if you don't remember the actor, searching for the name of the character also works.
If you remember a quote from it or something that might be relevant to a website containing information on said movie/thing, type it into google in quoatation marks ("<thing>") and see if you get any bites. Works for me sometimes.

Edit - Also, post in lots of threads without reading them first. :thumbs:
I had this trouble with 'Never ending story'. I remembered the film from when I was a kid, and I was just curious. I only had 'Big white flying dog' to go off. It wasn't much help, really, but I stumbled across it eventually.