how do you use a filter_activator_name?

Aug 5, 2004
Reaction score
I've read the entity guide on this entity but that didn't explain how to use it can someone here help me out. I want it to block some phys brushes with a certain name but allow other phys brushes without that name to pass through.
Use a func_clip_vphysics, and set its "Filter Name" to the name of a filter_activator_name entity.

Place a filter_activator_name entity, and set its "Filter Name" to the name of the prop you'd like to block.

The func_clip_vphysics will look at all props that touch it. If any of the props has the same name as the filter_activator_name's "Filter Name," then the func_clip_vphysics will block that prop.
Also, as I understand it, you can use wildcards in the "Filter name" field.

So if you have it set to "box*", then any entity name matching that (box1, box2, box_fred, etc.) will active it.
ok i got the wildcard thing working with the name ball1, I have 7 balls named from ball1 up to ball7 the filter is blocking from ball2 to ball7 but its not blocking ball1 for some reason why? and how can i fix this?
ok and i just found this out too everything else thats suppose to be allowed past the filter is also being blocked and everything else doesn't even have a name so why is it being blocked?
_HL4E_halfLife_ said:
ok and i just found this out too everything else thats suppose to be allowed past the filter is also being blocked and everything else doesn't even have a name so why is it being blocked?

You set the vphysics brush's filter to the right filter_activator_name, right? And ball1 is named ball1, not ball, right?
its ok now i got it all working but the settings that is making it work isn't doing what its really suppose to do its doing the opposite lol.
If it's doing the opposite, set the "Filter Mode" to Disallow. That'll negate the output such that objects which would pass the filter actually fail it, and vice versa.