How fast is yours? Internet Connection!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Peppers30
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Well lets see!

Last Result:
Download Speed: 25301 kbps (3162.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 3563 kbps (445.4 KB/sec transfer rate)

Done at SpeakEasy

My Plan is actually 30/5. For some reason it is going a bit slower.
I pay for 8 megabit/sec, but I doubt I have over 4.
How much do you pay? I use Optimum Online. We have plans for 15/2 @ $29.95 for the first 6 months then its $44.95 afterwards. Then they have the addon plan which gives you 30/5 for an extra $14.95 or $9.95 depending if you have the phone service to.
I get one bit per second. I posted this on the first day I joined the forum, so if you are reading this, you're reading HISTORY :O
I get one bit per second. I posted this on the first day I joined the forum, so if you are reading this, you're reading HISTORY :O

You just confused the heck out of me. Congrats. :laugh:
256k, i download at most around 30kbs, i leech it off the family next door i'm renting the apartment from.
3057 kbps DOWN
268 kbps UP

Not too bad I don't think.
I pay for a 15mbps download, and a 2mbps upload. They both run around the quoted rate.

100/100 ~$20/year.

I download at around 7-11 MB/s from torrents.

Holy shit, are you serious!?!?

I pay around 40-45 bucks a month for this service I'm on with verizon.
2meg up, 2meg down... I thought it was quick. Damn BT D:
8 meg, usually get 2-3, most I've ever had is just under 4
100 kb/s and I pay 9$ a month. They call that a fiber optic connection:|
I friend of mine in Stockholm got 2 Gb/sec. Not sure how much he pays, though.
Our uni blocks the torrent ports :( lucky I live off-campus :D
That's the top speed it reaches.
5 megabit down, 512kb up.

I've upgrade from my 3/256... I love downloading at 600kbps.
Internet is ridiculously cheap and fast in Sweden, my cousin told me tales of 10MB/s last time I spoke with him.

I used to have 2MB/s in Paris for 30 euros/month with FREE, but now here in the USA I got Verizon 300K/s for roughly the same price. I'm being ripped off :/
Man, some of you guys get a faster connection than I do when I worked at the phone/internet company.
I pay for 1.5 down (1.2 to be exact) and 768 up (500k to be exact)