How 'Games for Windows' will change gaming


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
"We're not crazy enough to think that people will suddenly start paying $50 a year to get something they already get for free on Windows ... all I can say now is that we're working to make a Gold membership worthwhile even if you're only connecting to Live from Windows Vista," Wolf hinted slyly.
Well, I had 2 worries, that's one gone, the other being is forcing games (If they want to be GFW branded) to be compatible with the 360 controller which is a silly idea.

Vista > *
So wait, this means I will be able to play against X-Box 360 users?
I will pwn them so hard, their controller will explode, blowing off several fingers.
Sony will merge with linux (somehow) and develop a new OS/Gaming system similar to windows, even slightly better than windows in some ways. Unfortunately the system costs $1700 dollars since it is "revolutionary". Sonux and Microsoft fight it out while nintendo waits on the sideline with yet another wierd system. Eventually Sonux goes bankrupt due to a huge mistake in the parts lab financing. Next round its microsoft,nintendo and "the new guy".
So wait, this means I will be able to play against X-Box 360 users?
I will pwn them so hard, their controller will explode, blowing off several fingers.

Not every game will support it, but it's now technically possible.

Also, they said they only require you to implement the Xbox360 controller if it makes sense.

This should make a lot of developers create cross-platform games since the dev tools are similar, and they would already have some work on getting the Xbox360 controller working with the game.
Yeah, that's what I want: A bunch of xbox kiddies ruining my PC gaming experience. Oh, and I want to pay for it too. They should've named it Games for Retards because that's what you are if you can't look at specs on a box and figure out if your rig can run it. Ugh...Santa is bringing me a nice rough dicking from every angle this holiday season!! Woo-hoo!! :bounce: :x
Well you need to realize that if your mom is getting you a game, how are they supposed to know what sort of parts your computer has?

I'm pretty sure it's a lot easier to say "I have a "4" rating" rather than saying "I have a P4 3.2ghz, blah blah blah"

Well PC <-> Xbox360 is up to the game dev. I'm also sure there's a lot more PC kiddies (CS anyone?) and I'm sure console gamers are more worried.

If you think about it, this is actually great. No more is PC displayed in the same way your bank software is, it actually stands out as entertainment :) Hopefully PC gaming will once again take off.
Yeah, that's what I want: A bunch of xbox kiddies ruining my PC gaming experience. Oh, and I want to pay for it too. They should've named it Games for Retards because that's what you are if you can't look at specs on a box and figure out if your rig can run it. Ugh...Santa is bringing me a nice rough dicking from every angle this holiday season!! Woo-hoo!! :bounce: :x
Don't worry, the Xbox kiddies will get along just great with the "LOLOL U AR A GAY JEW NIGG3R AUSTRAILIAN FATTY" PC kiddies.

[edit] No offense meant to Australians :p
Well you need to realize that if your mom is getting you a game, how are they supposed to know what sort of parts your computer has?

I'm pretty sure it's a lot easier to say "I have a "4" rating" rather than saying "I have a P4 3.2ghz, blah blah blah".

the only thing I see that might be a problem is; what happens 6 months or a year after release? will a 4 still mean a "4"? ..I might not pick up a game if it's say a 5 perhaps not knowing that it was a "5" 6 months ago and it should be a "4" now what if my new computer says it can run 4's and a year down the road I buy the latest game also rated a 4 but runs like crap cuz my pc can no longer run "4's" ...complicated but that's the point I guess

oh and shadowrun will be cross platform ..Age of Conan too

Thanks for posting this article.

I'm not entirely convinced about the live anywhere features for gaming on Vista. As they say though they aren't going to charge $50 for something we basically get for free now. Which leads me to believe that they will seriously gimp the free version of live so people have to subscribe in order to get all the goodies.

I suspect enough people will subscribe and then enough publishers will move to games for windows and I do actually think it will help PC game sales, especially the simplification of system requirements.
the only thing I see that might be a problem is; what happens 6 months or a year after release? will a 4 still mean a "4"? ..I might not pick up a game if it's say a 5 perhaps not knowing that it was a "5" 6 months ago and it should be a "4" now what if my new computer says it can run 4's and a year down the road I buy the latest game also rated a 4 but runs like crap cuz my pc can no longer run "4's" ...complicated but that's the point I guess

oh and shadowrun will be cross platform ..Age of Conan too


I know what you mean, and Microsoft said that they will change the rating system (perhaps by adding more numbers so it goes to 10 or something) depending on the hardware out there.

To be really honest, in theory the WEI (Windows Experience Index) sounds good, but it's going to be hard to get to work right. And like you said, how will it evolve?

I guess we'll see.
Remember folks. Microsoft won't exist in the future, and neither will yahoo. But almighty napster will.

At least, according to John Titor.
Stigmata said:
No offense meant to Australians :p
I was about to bash you. :P


There are 'Xbox kiddies' as much as there are 'PC kiddies' - I game a lot (Probably too much) in MP on both PC and Xbox Live and I assure you there are the same stereotypes on both. :O

Also, in the article it says not all games are playable vs each other on both platforms and some will only have messaging and so on.

WEI will be a massive success, or a horrible failure but there is a lot of potential with Games for Windows, Vista & Live Anywhere.
IMO, i'm actually liking how GFW is turning out. It's about time somebody stepped up the user friendliness levels in the PC gaming world.

I'm still not too sure what to think of the magazine though. So sad that they bough out/one up sold out CGW ;(
There are 'Xbox kiddies' as much as there are 'PC kiddies' - I game a lot (Probably too much) in MP on both PC and Xbox Live and I assure you there are the same stereotypes on both. :O
True, but by adding the xbox kiddies to the PC kiddies you ostensibly get the worst of both worlds. That is some thing I am going to try my darndest to avoid: a double-dose of pig-ignorance.

And yes, the game codes will help the dumb-ass moms out there buying games for their own little kiddies. I just don't want it dumbed down too much. The coalescing of console gaming and PC gaming is well under way and it will only get worse (or better, depending on your outlook).
I don't really like this. Stuff like this messes up easily and because it's Microsoft, they have a tendency to screw it up real bad.
IMO, i'm actually liking how GFW is turning out. It's about time somebody stepped up the user friendliness levels in the PC gaming world.

I'm still not too sure what to think of the magazine though. So sad that they bough out/one up sold out CGW ;(

it's just a name change ..same staff ..their podcast hasnt changed a bit
Stern, the article said as technologies get better, then the rating numbers will also go up. So if you had a 5, played 5 games... then upgraded, then you'd be a 7 and the newer games would be 7's,8's whatever. It's not limited to 1-5.
Sony will merge with linux (somehow) and develop a new OS/Gaming system similar to windows, even slightly better than windows in some ways. Unfortunately the system costs $1700 dollars since it is "revolutionary". Sonux and Microsoft fight it out while nintendo waits on the sideline with yet another wierd system. Eventually Sonux goes bankrupt due to a huge mistake in the parts lab financing. Next round its microsoft,nintendo and "the new guy".

I've got my money on this theory. ;)
So wait, this means I will be able to play against X-Box 360 users?
I will pwn them so hard, their controller will explode, blowing off several fingers.

Many Xbox veterans have already experienced this from the Halo2 Finale Incident :laugh:.

I do like the idea of the WinSAT
Stern, the article said as technologies get better, then the rating numbers will also go up. So if you had a 5, played 5 games... then upgraded, then you'd be a 7 and the newer games would be 7's,8's whatever. It's not limited to 1-5.

yes but it doesnt help if you dont upgrade if I'm a 3 right now and I went to a store and wanted to buy a game but it's rating is a 5 however since it came out a year ago it's now a 3 ..I might walk away thinking I cant play the game. They cant continually update the boxes. Of course this sort of thing doesnt affect us but rather the casual gamer
Don't worry, the Xbox kiddies will get along just great with the "LOLOL U AR A GAY JEW NIGG3R AUSTRAILIAN FATTY" PC kiddies.

[edit] No offense meant to Australians :p

wtf? And you think your average XBox user is any better, yeah, since Halo is filled with intelligent conversation and good sportsmanship.
wtf? And you think your average XBox user is any better, yeah, since Halo is filled with intelligent conversation and good sportsmanship.
"That person isn't teabagging you, he's repeatedly picking something up!"
This will help solve the debate Mouse > Paddle
I will eat every X-Box player for FPS games.
wtf? And you think your average XBox user is any better, yeah, since Halo is filled with intelligent conversation and good sportsmanship.
Actually, it is. Back when I still played H2 on Live (Like a month before GoW came out) I would barely ever run into the mythical 'moron' and it really was becoming a rare occurrence, same with hackers.

I don't really run into too many morons on PC either but all I really play atm is DoD:S, HL2:DM, CoH and some other 'hard' games.
yes but it doesnt help if you dont upgrade if I'm a 3 right now and I went to a store and wanted to buy a game but it's rating is a 5 however since it came out a year ago it's now a 3 ..I might walk away thinking I cant play the game. They cant continually update the boxes. Of course this sort of thing doesnt affect us but rather the casual gamer

No, i don't think you quite get it. Your pc will always be a 3. The game will always be a 5. No new games would come out as 3's, they'd be 6's, 7's etc. So the games that are suited to your pc will always be 3's. That game, a year later, will still be a 5... it's the other newer games ratings that go up.

However, i wonder how this system would help backward compatibility, i'm assuming it'd be 3-5 or something, a range rather than set figure.
Actually, it is. Back when I still played H2 on Live (Like a month before GoW came out) I would barely ever run into the mythical 'moron' and it really was becoming a rare occurrence, same with hackers.

I don't really run into too many morons on PC either but all I really play atm is DoD:S, HL2:DM, CoH and some other 'hard' games.

The only reason for that is that it's easy to reveal yourself as a moron on the PC due to the keyboard chat functions. Personally the benefits of keyboard chat outweigh the cons. Not everyone wants to talk on public servers using a mic.