How good are you at keeping secrets?

How good are you at keeping secrets?

  • No secret has ever escaped my lips

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Most of the time I keep them

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • Pretty terrible

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Never trust me with anything

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
I'm pretty good. The only couple of times I have let secrets loose has been in cases of severe peer pressure (not pierre pressure guys) which, as I said, have only happened a couple of times.
cant tell you. its a secret. ;)

(ima good :thumbs:)
The problem with secrets (if they are interesting to know to everyone) is that most people believe they can trust someone to keep the secret to. And since everyone has someone else they can confide in, the secret gets spread and nobody is the wiser.

For example: Jane tells John (and only John) she is pregnant. John tells his best friend, Steve, whom he trusts. Steve tells his wife, Mary, who he trusts more than anyone (even John). Mary tells her best friend, because she trusts her. Etc etc. Suddenly a dozen people know, and most likely one of those people know Jane and come to talk about it with her. Hence, John gets bitch slapped by Jane for telling the secret.
if all it takes is peer pressure to get you to tell a secret id say you aren't too good
No secret has passed my lips that I can think of, but it's possible I will divulge info if it helps and not hinders.
Depends. There are a few people whose secrets I would never tell unless I was under threat of death (and even then there might be one or two I would still not tell), but I can be a little more loose when it's someone I don't care as much about. I'm sort of an asshole sometimes.
Depends. There are a few people whose secrets I would never tell unless I was under threat of death (and even then there might be one or two I would still not tell), but I can be a little more loose when it's someone I don't care as much about. I'm sort of an asshole sometimes.

Personally, i dont blab other peoples secrets. Never have. (although I voted differently)
If it is something that is beneficial to somebody else, I may or may not tell a secret. Usually if the person telling me the secret is screwing somebody over without them knowing, I'll go ahead and tell them.
Really, I only tell secerets that don't need to be kept. But for the ones that truly matter, I'm STILL holding them. Dear god, I hate being the secret/gossip keeper.
Secrets make a great weapon. Say your friend tells you a secret that they don't want ANYBODY to know. They start being an asshole to you a few months later and then you simply threaten them with the secret.

It's like friendly blackmail. :)
I normally keep secrets that aren't too bothersome because in the long run it's much easier for me that I do. I don't like getting tangled up in drama when I'm not actually directly involved since I always seem to be the one who's burned by it, so as long as I don't have to take alot of grief for it, I'll keep it to the grave.
I'm so good at keeping secrets that when somebody tells me one, they have no idea what it was.
It's not a secret that I'm good at keeping secrets.
I forgot the scret some seconds before being told,so I guess thats my security sistem
Reminds me straight away of :


The Secret Mission :cheers: