How good does this look?


Jan 19, 2004
Reaction score
Want to see a next gen 360 game?
No offense, but I was expecting the 360 to pull off games a little better than this..
Thats Perfect Dark Zero for ya.
Looks pretty decent. Its not Gears of War or Quake 4 stuff but it looks good nonetheless. It looks like we have some displacement mapping going on with some pretty good lighting. I don't know if the motion blur is in game or if thats a post processed thing. We'll have to wait and see.

Remember that the initial shipment of games will look only a slight step above the current generation. However, as devs become more comfortable with the hardware, we'll start seeing greater strides in graphics.
Is that really ingame and true? because if it is thats pretty poor. Project Gotham Racing is a racing game and they always look better because there is less on screen to do. GT4 looks amazing and better than some recent PC games.
You really expect those to be screens from the finished game?
It looks like it'll be fun to play.
satch919 said:
Looks pretty decent. Its not Gears of War or Quake 4 stuff but it looks good nonetheless. It looks like we have some displacement mapping going on with some pretty good lighting. I don't know if the motion blur is in game or if thats a post processed thing. We'll have to wait and see.

Remember that the initial shipment of games will look only a slight step above the current generation. However, as devs become more comfortable with the hardware, we'll start seeing greater strides in graphics.

Yeh, agreed- i dont think the 360 will blow us away initially. Wait for a couple years and then you'll see, im guessing. They'll be wanting this console to last for a few years anyhow.
Looks about the same as the HL2 engine. Dodgy quality of the screenshots doesn't help.
I thought these ones looked pretty impressive:


Nice refractions and stuff on that glass. We'll have to wait for the finished game to be sure... but I doubt Rare will release anything less than techincally impressive.
Those are all alpha kit shots. Be patient until they unveil the true power of PDZ, which they will - Rare has an renowned history for creating their games with stunning graphics. I have faith.
Me too :)

There's no way Rare would release a game as anticipated as this looking that poor.

Regardless of the visuals, it's far more important that the game plays and feels lke GE/PD. That's what the fans want after all - another Golden Eye.
Guys, don't expect a huge leap in quality by the time it's released. I doubt they are going to redo all their artistic assets. So, what you see right now might be pretty close to the final product.

I would love Rare to prove me wrong though. ;)