How I went from 15fps to 40


Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
When I got dod:s it was running so slow that I was close to giving up, but earlier today in a last ditch effort to enjoy this game I downloaded a program called hare by dachshund software. Among other things it runs windows off of a 88 bit kernel instead of the standard 64 bit. After optimizing my page file and running all the neat little stuff hare comes with hare I found that I could play dod:s with moderate settings and no HDR at 1024x768 with a frame rate averaging 40 while running around with people on screen, and only dipping to just under 30 in combat. This is from playing with minimum everything and having combat drop me to 10-15 fps.

I have used hare before, and I wouldn't recommend it if you aren't willing to risk a fair amount of instability, but it gave me a 25 fps boost in dod:s, and it just may work for some of the other people in my boat.

My specs:
2500+ barton
1 gig ddr400
9800 pro
audgy 2 zs
thanks for the link

ok, im going to try it and post another pic of anzio. ill gladly spend $ on this if it actually helps.
Windows is designed to run off of a 64 bit kernel, switching to a 88 bit kernel can cause programs to crash randomly and all that good stuff. Its a tradeoff I'm willing to make for the huge performance gain it gives.

And the reason I didn't post a link was that I didn't want it to look like I was advertising. But, since I guess add accounts usually dont have 1500 posts, here ya go:
I just posted one. But really guys, how hard is it to use google?
is it simple to use and to uninstall ? I want to give it a try to booast my fps in dod source, but would that affect my normal usage of window and other programs ? In case, it screw up everything, can I solve the problem by simply uninstall it ??
Is this program toggable? Can I just use to for DoD:S or games in general and turn it off for other things?
I don't know, sounds too good to be true really. Even if it does make the computer very unstable it still sounds insanely good.
That seem like bogus software.

And to the thread starter: if you only had 15 fps something was wrong to start with.
I have nearly the same hardware as you:

1 Gb DDR400
Radeon 9800 Pro

and I get 40+ fps nearly all the time.
I'd say try updating your drivers first. heh. I've got a lesser system than you...
AMD XP 2200+
Radeon 9700 Pro
1GB DDR400 PC3200 ram
and i get 20-40 fps maybe 15 if i'm on a server with 40 people and all 40 are shooting at each other and i just so happen to be watching it. I run everything on max with AAx2 and AFx2 also full HDR at 1280x1024. I'm using the newest version of omega drivers and i have my AGP set to 4x (because it's just as fast and doesn't run as hot). I'm just agreeing with Yellonet is all. You sound like you know what you're doing, but you should have a better preformance without the need of this sort of software.
I get pretty crappy fps and I'm pretty bummed about it. In some areas, I get a consistent 20 fps and in other areas, I'll get a consistent 40-50 fps. Rig-in-sig
I've used hare before and damned if it doesn't work, but as I said you need to be warned that switching to a 88-bit kernel can reduce stability.

And when I say 15 fps I mean fps when it matters. People always try to make their e-penis seem bigger by claiming their fps with nothing going on on-screen. I was getting 15 fps in combat, which is really the only time it matters, and now I'm getting 30 or more. It really does work. I guess saying 15-40 is a bit of an exageration, but it did at least double my fps.

I just posted this because it gave me such a huge boost, I'm just trying to help other people out here.

And on a side note: Yes, you can toggle hare and its various features on and off, but I don't think you can set it up to only run for one program.

Yellonet said:
That seem like bogus software.

And to the thread starter: if you only had 15 fps something was wrong to start with.
I have nearly the same hardware as you:

1 Gb DDR400
Radeon 9800 Pro

and I get 40+ fps nearly all the time.

No, you do not have nearly the same system as me. You have a much much faster CPU, which is clearly the bottleneck in my system. And no, its not bogus, but you clearly dont need it so dont bother.
Homer I'm running on about your computer with 512mb of RAM, so I'll try this out.

but I'm getting about 20-25 FPS in battle - just enough to get a low-ish recoil.
Yes. This does actually work _really_ well. I get no startup stutter on CSS (The ones you get on the first round whenever you join a server), and DoD runs like a dream!

Thanks for that Homer. I'm also using Zoom for some random reason :). I suggest this to everyone on a mid-range system.
I second that. This has made my DOD run like a dream, I get very little lag on DOD.

This really DOES make your computer run way more smoothly, and I still have not encountered a single "glitch" that might occur from running 88. Instead it feels like my computer is way faster and more responsive, I thought there was nothing to be done- I sure was wrong. Whoever made this should work for microsoft. They need it.
Cool, glad to hear that its working for everyone.
Yeah, thanks homer, nice performance boost here. Though i still get strange drops in fps no matter what settings i'm at with source games. It's as if something is bottlenecked or choking my pc. I've got a p4 3.0 ghz with an x700 pro. I'm hoping it's my crappy onboard soundcard that's limiting my fps since i'm ordering an x-fi within a few days.
I tried it and games seem to run a bit smoother, windows itself seems much faster. :)
Hey Homer i used this and got a question! Do u recommend putting a check mark here? (look at pic)

I checked it, also put holyvision thing on low, didnt see any difference visual wise but games feel much smoother now, there also was some option called smooth jerking. The game feels much smoother when FPS drops, might be in my head but I swear this thing works pretty good. :O