How is this router


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
It seems a bit cheap.. I need a new router and do not want to spend nearly $200 for a desktop PC card and a router. I would love to get a G router. I would try for the D-Link gaming router but is a little expensive.. Plus, I need a new desktop PC card/adapter that has G capability.

Any recommendations on which would be superb for gaming/file sharing with the best signal quality will help me 100%. Thanks.
I have to. The problem I am dealt with is that my modem is 2 floors away. There is no possible way of a wired connection through my house. :(
wow tahts a nice price for a 108mb router and desktop card also u need wireless if u cant have so many wires
Thats what I said. The price is awesome, yet I am not too sure about the quality of the router.
If anyone has any other suggestions than this router, please feel free to throw down your 2 cents.
When are you buying them?

I know CompUSA will be having some really good sales on 54G and Pre-N products sometime in August. Not sure how much of it will be mail-in rebates though. I think they will be Netgear products.