how long does steam take to "decrypt steam files?"


May 22, 2005
Reaction score
i formatted, and just reinstalled everything. now i'm trying to play half-life 2, and it's been saying "decrypting steam files" and it has stayed at 20% over the past hour. i closed steam and reopened and tried again, and it's still at 20%. does it normally take this long?

if so, then steam sucks
yes i no that lol u decrypt the hl2 files on ur computer and it only takes me 30min lol y would u think i was talking about decrypting from cds just take all of the hl2 stuff out and reinstall
The decryption took about 2 mins for me. Installing took a while though. Are you sure you don't mean that? I did it all through steam - but I don't think that makes a difference.
yeah after i installed the 5 cd's when i double click halflife 2 under my steam menu it said decrypting half-life 2.

counter-strike took about 2 mins but hl2 took forever
thats strange, my hl2 was fine in decryption but cs took about a hour :P
lol how did css take u an hr its smaller like 3 gbs smaller