How long will AGP last?


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
I've just spent a load of cash on a new AGP video card, and plan to use it for at least a year (hopefully more)

I'm also planning on getting a new cpu/mobo in around 9-12 months to give it a healthy boast (using a Barton at the mo)

Do you guys reckon new agp mobos will still be coming out in a years time?

You think there will still be a demand for AGP cards in the near future? (would be nice to sell this one whe it's still worth something b4 jumping on the pci train)
I think the demand will be there. I don't think ATI and Nvidia will come out with their newest thing in AGP exactly but the motherboards will still be around. Both value and performance segments.

You will just have to consider jumping on the PCI-Express train again when you upgrade your CPU/Board. ;)
Personally, I don't think SLI is worth it by the way.
Asus said:
You will just have to consider jumping on the PCI-Express train again when you upgrade your CPU/Board. ;)

Or hope there's some dirt cheap old agp boards knocking about and some cheap FX55's.

The tech monkies can play with the new stuff - i'll be keeping it real \o/
We are in a similar situation like what happened when AGP was introduced. Except AGP gave you an actual reason to switch over. However, I think the switch to PCI-Express will be forced upon us because of lack of competition. Both Nvidia and ATI are determined to shove PCI-Express down our throats. We no longer have 3DFX or another competitor to supply us with AGP cards.

The only positive side is that people must switch their motherboards out. Since the processor wars have slowed to a crawl, people do not have to change their motherboard out as frequently. That means AGP will most likely rule supreme for another year or so.
Oh there will be new AGP boards out. Don't worry. Hehe
Should be good to go.
Remember, we are not talking about Intel here. Forcing you to go PCI-Express with the new systems and all. ;)
For example, nForce 4 chipset supports AGP and PCI-Express plus all three AMD64 sockets.