How long will you take to complete HL2??

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Jan 23, 2004
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We all know some people might want to breeze through Half-life 2 first rather than enjoing the whole experience such as shooting everything around you that you can and doing so many different things, with the same object!

I will estimate that...from start to finish, I will complete Half-life 2 in about 40 hours. Seem long?...of course!! I want this game to last as long as I can. I'm gonna shoot every damn thing at the walls and at the combine SO many times, my head's gonna spin!! :eek: :eek: bout you people?? how long do you think it will take for you to finish the game?? :cheers:
Well, like Gabe would put it for the release date: this summer :farmer: :afro:
I plan on playing it to its fullest extent....then playing HL: Source, then HL2 again.
Jadewolf5675 said:
I plan on playing it to its fullest extent....then playing HL: Source, then HL2 again.
what he said
I think I will play the game three times, at hard, at medium and at easy.

Since they have made the A.I. so real I think HL2 will be very joyfull at the hardest level.

And since it's multiple ways to finish the game I would like to test them all :)
These threads bug me......... We don't know, the game isn't out. Stop asking stupid questions. Sorry but it gets on my tits.
I feel sorry for non Uk'ers they wont get the "tits" thing.....

Anyway.... ill play it for as long as i can, i aint storming through it.
meh, 1 week is my standard, but because i'm at home and do nothing else, who nows, maybe 3/4 days..but 1 week is more likely (this also depends on how well the game will run on my pc)
Dougy said:
I feel sorry for non Uk'ers they wont get the "tits" thing.....

Anyway.... ill play it for as long as i can, i aint storming through it.
then please explain about the tits
Get on my tits, it means it annoys me. And yes Fusion, yes you can.
And since it's multiple ways to finish the game I would like to test them all

when was it said there would be multiple endings to the game?
Im not going to touch the "ports" or the Multiplayer, until I have played through and finished the Single player game....
that being said, Im going to play on the hardest difficulty possible and take all the time in the world and enjoy my game... Im going to soak in every detail, conversation and nuance I can.....

because there has'nt been a decent single player game like HL1 since... HL1, we waited far too long to simply rush through it... and who the hell knows when we might see another awesome game again. (its been dry gaming for a long time)
digsy said:
Get on my tits, it means it annoys me. And yes Fusion, yes you can.

Can I stick my head between your boobs then?
(you are a woman right?)
I'll play through it once pretty fast without using too much of the physics (although when i get my hands on the manipulator ill probably scrap that idea) and then play through seeing what sort of contraptions i can make.
It will probably take me a pretty long time, id say about 40-50 hours because i am slow and look at everything. Although, maybe even longer if it is really really fun to play with the manipulator the first time you get it. I may throw a barrel for hours... who knows!
I had HL1 for over 3 years before I completed it.. :/
I'm going to drop bodies with the manipulator gun from the top of buildings onto Barney. I wonder if you could use the manipulator gun on characters such as Eli or Alyx. If so, then I'd first get my crowbar, duck, and take out Eli's support so that he'll fall like a ton of bricks. Can't handle anything but your daughter, huh? We'll just see about that :upstare: Also, you know what would be a good mod? A temptation island mod! Yea! And you have to compete in challenges for a woman, and well, you get the point. Except I dpn'y know how to make mods. Someone follow in my footsteps!
the manipulator cannot manipulate bodies, alive or dead.

there was a weapon (might be in the final game, but was said to be just for testing/e3 2003) called the physgun, that could manipulate dead bodies.. but only ones that were "tagged" to be able to be (by the map maker) so they were nothing more than objects placed in the map that happened to be bodies.. not bodies of things you killed.
Well i am going to do everything in this game gonna maniupulate all barrels, signs etc. gonna destroy everything thats possible to destroy and kill everthing exept my friends, on medium and hard, not easy it`s just boring.
Actually men can also use the "gets on my tits" expression, and I am male, last time I checked I was anyway. Tis funny looking at people's reactions when they think you are female, makes me consider a sex change :p
I imagine I'll take an excessively long time to complete it, since I'll be playing with the physics at every single damn chance I get, oh yeah.
Firsttime I played HL1 took me 6 hours. Hl2 Looks to be about 7hours, if it tried to beat it really fast maybe 2hours
Hl1 I beat in 1hour 30min. I didnt exploit any gitches tho
digsy said:
Actually men can also use the "gets on my tits" expression, and I am male, last time I checked I was anyway. Tis funny looking at people's reactions when they think you are female, makes me consider a sex change :p

this is the interweb, I now pronounce you to be female
digsy said:
Actually men can also use the "gets on my tits" expression, and I am male, last time I checked I was anyway. Tis funny looking at people's reactions when they think you are female, makes me consider a sex change :p

Don't need sex change. Just say u r woman and u r woman!
It'll take me about 50-60 hours to do the things i want to and complete game on Hard (mayb more)

Btw there culd even be a difficulty mode thats harder then hard, mayb a 'nightmare mode'!...
Mr. Redundant said:
we have no HL2!!! name a good topic :/ everything is stupid, just wasting time until release :p

We could complain about shadow stacking or something :p
I can feel my breasts start to form!!

Yes this is a stupid topic. I think they are created when people are so desperate for a game that they want to talk about absolutely anything to do with it. That's why most topics have been done.

How's this one then:

Gordon is really a woman and that's why you don't see him or hear his voice throughout the game. He's added a hem and sequins to his Hazard suit.

KurtCobain said:
It'll take me about 50-60 hours to do the things i want to and complete game on Hard (mayb more)

Btw there culd even be a difficulty mode thats harder then hard, mayb a 'nightmare mode'!...
officially Gabe has stated there are 3 difficulty modes:

hopefuly though, they do have an unlockable difficulty setting, like nightmare
as you suggested...

digsy said:
I can feel my breasts start to form!!
How's this one then:

Gordon is really a woman and that's why you don't see him or hear his voice throughout the game. He's added a hem and sequins to his Hazard suit.


lol... but whats wrong with Hem and sequins? if anything it would add more style to his suit... must kill... queer eye for the straight eye..... erm yes, how about them [random football/baseball/ping pong] team?
valve said its like twice as long as HL1, but it depends really whos playing,, there's gonna be people who just want to be the first to finish it,, so they'll end up using cheats early on... others will mess around as they progress steadily, :D (me :p) , and most will probably play it just like they played HL1.. at a good pace , complete it on easy first, then medium, then hard. but I for one will not rush.. I will savour every gaming moment. ;)
*Gruff voice* Ping pong, the manliest sport I know!
Yeah, this is getting out of hand now. Closed.
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