How man valve employies does it take to change a lightbulb?


Aug 4, 2004
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This is a continuing thing, so add your own part to the end of mine.

1 just six seconds before the lightbulb should be installed to realise it has a big crack in it
1 to go and tell evryone the lightbulb should be changed by november

keep it going...
3, one to beta test, one to install the lightbulb, and the third to tell everyone that everything will work on time.
0, they are too busy working on HL2 (hopefully)
The entire company to work on the lightbulb for 5 years, then only to realize one week before the screwing of the bulb that it isn't the way they want it, so they will be delaying it for a year.
5. One to buy the light bulb, one to tell all the employees that there will be a new light bulb, one to prepare the light bulb for installation, one to get the light bulb back from the guy that stole it, and one to actually put it in...a year later.
How many vavle employies does it take to change a lightbulb...

...depends if the lightbulb is stolen or not!

... about 75. 1 to go get the lightbulb, which takes 6 years, 72 to watch porn and eat donuts. 1 person working on half life 2, and the other trying to screw the lightbulb in the otherway. Either way, niether task will get done...

...76, 1 to go get the lightbulb, which again takes 6 years, 1 to steal it, 1 person to get it back, all while 72, again watch porn and eat donuts, and 1 person with a college degree to screw in lightbulbs.
11. Five to design a complex steam operated mechanism that lifts the user to the height of the ceiling, another 5 to make sure the light bulb is compatible with the device and screws in properly, then one to lose the lightbulb because he left the keys in the front door.
Geeze...everybody knows it's none.

Valve is a software company. That's a hardware problem!
MaxiKana said:
The entire company to work on the lightbulb for 5 years, then only to realize one week before the screwing of the bulb that it isn't the way they want it, so they will be delaying it for a year.


god i love these forums...
5, 1 to work on the lightbulb, 1 to work on the hype, 1 to make excuses when said lightbulb is delayed due to the fact only one person is working on it, 1 for light bulb testing and 1 to screw in the lightbulb quietly and delay it being known until November ;)
Every employee would be implied in this:
once a light bulb burn, then the chief would change it personally, BUT will obligate everyone in the company to do the same.
So, he will send everyone a part of the new, improved light bulb via Steam, one part each weekend... when all the parts are delivered, a secret keycode will tell the employees how to assemble the light bulb and put it in the socket.
1.Takes a few days before somebody realizes that the lightbulb burned out
2. Somebody gets a ladder and trys to replace the lightbulb.
3.An employee that was dozing off, accidentally pushes the ladder.
4.The person on the ladder falls and smashes the computer that has HL2 stored in it.
5.HL2 is delayed for another year.
the whole team, it takes them over 6 years though....
they spend 5 years carefully perfecting the lightbulb and placing it in correctly in a way no lightbulb has ever been placed before using new and innotive ideas.
unfortunatly someone leaves the door open and someone steals it... so they spend another year on it....

The community will do it for them, after all, they claim to know everything better than Valve does themselves.